Cycles multitracks on Ableton

Good morning. I have a question to ask you.
If I play Elektron Cycles in Ableton with external instrument on different tracks, so track 1 kick, external instrument on midi channel 1, track 2 HH, external instrument on midi channel 2 etc… Why can’t it play the tracks individually? I put the kick in SOLO and continue to listen to the other Cycles channels. Ableton continues to send midi on the other channels too. But it shouldn’t right?

Sounds like an Ableton question rather than Model:Cycles one, maybe ? Anyway, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

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Yep, as above, this is an Ableton thing. When soloing a channel in the Ableton mixer, you are soloing the audio channel, not everything about the channel. MIDI will still be sent.

This is desirable behaviour as when selecting and deselecting solo, you may want longer sounds (pads, for example) to sound straight away when you have stopped soloing, rather than when the next MIDI note plays.

External Instrument does not stop sending midi on track solo/mute, you’d need to either stop the clips in Session View or mute them in Arrangement View to stop the midi

another thing you can do is to map each External Instrument on/off to a keyboard key, for example whatever you are using to send midi to track 1 can be mapped to 1 key, track 2 to 2, etc., then save it as a template

But the problem isn’t stopping a clip.
The problem is that the track on Ableton where only the bass drum should play makes me play all the cycles channels.
So if I activate three tracks on Ableton, Kick, Snare and Hit hat. All channels of tripled and summed cycles will sound. Madness.
I would like to set up ableton and cycles so that cycles can sound as if it were receiving input from the pads.

I show you a video

ah, so I’ve completely misunderstood the question, do you get the audio from every External Instrument too? because it sounds to me as if the audio gets tripled, you need to mute some external instruments if they all bringing in the same audio, like have one track with the audio source from your audio interface and 4 tracks of midi only, you can take the Gain down on the External Instruments that doubles your audio

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As you can see from the video, each Ableton midi track has an external instrument that is on a different midi channel. But all channels of cycles play together…

The solution is to make cycles play based on the midi it receives. If you are only receiving signal on channel 1 at that moment, only channel 1 should play. Not all.

if you take a look at the top right corner of Live, you’ll see the midi indicator, you can see that midi being sent unless the clip is disabled, you can toggle the clip with 0 key quickly. muting/soloing the track will not stop midi.

if you don’t mute your extra external instruments, i.e. take the Gain down to -infinity you’ll hear the audio doubling.



Is the solution you’re giving me to turn down the volume?

for external instruments, yes, you can setup your things like this, as many Midi tracks with External Instruments - muted - for every midi track, Audio track with either Audio In from the audio interface or one of the tracks Pre Fx:

using audio from individual External Instruments making sense only of you have separate audio source for each midi track, like separate instruments, what you get with M:C is just doubling the audio

I still can’t find the solution.
How do I use cycles by working on each individual track separately on Ableton?

afaik you can’t, models don’t have multitracking options, there’s no individual outs or overbridge, so the only way you can have multitracking is by muting the tracks on the M:C and recording every track individually.
another way you can have two mono tracks is hard pan some tracks to the left and some to the right, get two mono sources and mix them later as two tracks.

unless someone knows another way?

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There must be a way. Ableton should control cycles as if you were controlling cycles with your hands using the cycles pads. Nothing overlaps and everything sounds good. It will need an application I suppose. But it needs to be developed. Because you can’t work like that.
It is a work tool. Not a toy. I don’t care about all the cycles tracks playing on a single midi channel. I need to work each track differently and with different plugins.
And I can’t even sample individual sounds and then assemble them on Ableton as was done in the early 90s with Cubase.

don’t know what to tell you, that’s the machine and that’s the way it works, you can submit a feature request to the feature requests thread or to Elektron directly but at the moment that’s how the device works.


@alechko Not sure I’ve followed all the detail, but this sounds like a request for Overbridge on Model:Cycles (essentially) … have I understood right ?

yep, or other multitracking capabilities, maybe for a Handle V2 with individual outs :mechanical_arm:


Thank you. I will send a request. However, it is absurd that it works like this and that in 3 years no user has felt the need to work in multitrack. There is nothing on the internet about it. In 3 years I have been the only one with this need. Of a function that is basic to producing music.

what can I say except I’ve heard countless bangers made on M:C with stereo out only…


Where did you hear them? Live? Or on YouTube.