I saw on one overview by @Dataline he assinged an LFO to some parameter to kind of time stretch a sample like on the Microgranny. Has anyone figured this out? Maybe he’ll chime in here. He just put up a video on his YT page that shows him using this technic as well on a long vocal sample. I keep trying setting an lfo to the loop start, or sample start, and others, but no good results like a fake sample stretch.
- Assign trig to step 1
- On the trg page plock that step to retrigger the lfo
- Set lfo wave to ramp
- Set destination to sample start
- Set lfo type to trg
- Set depth to 32
- Next place trigs on the rest of the steps before finally adjusting the rate and multiplier. This will depend on your loop length
@Strangelov3 spot on! thanks for the help
I do it with OT, it makes different things from time stretch.
You can vary trig placements and use retrigs, play with decay…
You can also vary the lfo speed, invert the curve to reverse playback…
Also works on RYTM
To those who use this trick and get good results: I’ve tried it, with a lot of trigs, with less trigs, retrig 1/80, played with amp settings, you name it, and I always get a pulsating effect that follows each LFO trigger.
The actual timestretching works, that’s cool, but the sample sound is noticeably altered, because the sound has a sort of volume pulse with each trig I place
funny, I was gonna post a question about this tonight. when I try it my lfo tracking keeps speeding up and slowing down.
after much head scratching I found cenks sooperbooth vid where he does it step by step, I copied the steps and still the same. result. I musta missed somethin.
I havent tried it the way it’s described above tho so I’ll try that when I get home
Adjust amp attack and set release to infinite. It isn’t perfect but it isn’t a true time stretch either.
Thanks, I haven’t tried setting the release to infinite
It can be used as a pitch shifter too.
Hi there!
I’m trying to do this “time stretch” trick, but it seems like the lfo insists at the beginning of the loop for a while every time the loop begins, then it moves on in the right way. Any idea on how I could loop it smoothly?
plus one.
I still can’t get the lfo start point to behave no matter what I do. it’ll play normally for a few seconds then hop around a bit and then reverse right back to the start of the sample at will.
I can’t think of any setting combo I haven’t tried. hellllp
its important that on the trig page lfo to trg is set to OFF and then locked on the first step. This insures that the first step plays the beginning of the loop.
also the lfo rate and depth are critical… start by setting the depth to 32 and rate and between around 1 or 2 and then depending on the length of the loop adjust the modifier. These are not exact settings but gets it pretty close. Not sure of the math but I think for 2 bar loops the modifier should be 16. You will be able to hear wether or not the loop is playing back fast or slow quite easily, which makes it obvious how the modifier should be set.
If the sample starts ok and then before the end of the pattern keeps retriggering the beginning of the loop, then adjust the depth until it loops correctly.
hope that helps
It helped, thanks!
The most critical parameter was the multiplier: if I rise its value the lfo start behaving like I said, insisting on the first part of the sample.
Could someone please provide a basic overview on how and why this trick works? That would definitely help me get my head around it.
Ok imagine a set of stairs, as you walk up the stairs you move up and forward with each step.
The ramp LFO is like a set of stairs, and each trig in your digitakt pattern is like a step on those stairs.
So when you press play on the digitakt, the parameter assigned to the ramp LFO climbs up the “stairs”.
In this case it is the start point of the sample.
Simple time stretching works by cutting up a sound into lots of different slices and the stretching the gaps between them to make the time it’s takes to play the sample quicker or shorter, but keeps the pitch the same.
Same principle here but using the LFO
Meant to be a reply to your question above
This is because there is a huge difference of volume between your start and end point.
You wouldn’t hear any drop if the sound was repetitive (e.g. sine wave) and that the gap between start and end was a multiple of the period of your sound (= the time it takes to reach the same level again).
You can attenuate this a bit with a LP filter, or (on OT) using fade in/out at the start/end of the grain.
still need to come back to this and try different settings