[ Definitive list ] Analog RYTM kits, sounds & samples

List updated : Friday, May 7, 2021 10:00 PM

If i missed something please add as comment and i will add it and maintain this list updated as far as i can… also if you find it useful a thanks in comment i’m grateful for that too

Firstly our Forum Elektronauts Files ! (Free Search on Analog Rytm tag)

• Straight 808 (15€ Straight 808 | Elektron)
• SID Redux (15€ SID Redux | Elektron)
• Divine 909 (15€ Divine 909 | Elektron)
• Reshaped Harmonics (15€ Reshaped Harmonics | Elektron)
• Future House (15€ Future House | Elektron)
• Total Tabla (15€ Total Tabla | Elektron)
• Junkyard (15€ Junkyard | Elektron)
• Legowelt Studio (15€ Legowelt Studio | Elektron)
• True Trance (15€ True Trance | Elektron)
• VHS Crosstalk (15€ VHS Crosstalk | Elektron)
• Reamped Drums (15€ Reamped Drums | Elektron)
• Vintage Drum Machines (15€ Vintage Drum Machines | Elektron)
• Dälek Soundscapes (15€ Dälek Soundscapes | Elektron)
• Radical Bits (15€ Radical Bits | Elektron)
• Synthetics (10€ Synthetics | Elektron)
• Run The Track (10€ Run the Track | Elektron)
• Vitamin C (10€ Vitamin C: Kosmische Drums | Elektron)
• Pandoras Box (10€ https://www.elektron.se/soundpacks/pandoras-box/)
• Curcussion (10€ Curcussion | Elektron)
• Replicant Visions (10€ Replicant Visions | Elektron)
• Bombham (15€ Bombham | Elektron)
• Double Voltage (10€ Double Voltage | Elektron)

Third Parties Sounsets :
[NEW] Lord, Save Me From Completing Anything by @saint_stink (Paid €7,00)
[NEW] Dublicious by SOUND7 (Paid £14.95)
[NEW] Analoc Tekno by SOUND7 (Paid £14.95) https://sound7.co.uk/products/analog-rytm-analoc-tekno
• Analog Rytm Refraction by Attack magazine (£11.99 Refraction - Elektron Analog Rytm Preset Pack – Attack Magazine)
• Analog Rytm Vermona DRM1 MK3 (15$ http://elastic-membrane.com/products/analog-rytm-soundpack-vermona-drm1)
• Analog Rytm ACID (15$ Analog Rytm Sound Pack: Acid – Elastic Membrane)
• Analog Rytm Transcient Synthesis (15$ Analog Rytm Sound Pack: Transient Synthesis – Elastic Membrane)
• Dubstep Rytm (promo 5,99£ _14,99_£ Dubstep Rytm - Analog Rytm Sound Pack – New Loops)
• cuckoomusic analog rytm “plays” (Free for his Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/analog-rytm-pack-6831665)
• DX Drums (Free http://sirgalaxy.com/post/139912327040/free-octatrack-analog-rhythm-pack-dx7-synth-drums)
• SH2 Bass & Drums from NewWavePresets (15€ http://www.newwavepresets.com/product/sh2-bass-drums/)
Plughugger 200 BASS patches for Dual VCO Bloatfield
(Bass Invaders 1 - Bass sounds for Elektron Analog Rytm)
Plughugger 400 BASS patches for Dual VCO Bloatfield
( Bass Invaders 2 - Bass sounds for Elektron Analog Rytm)
Plughugger 150 BASS patches for Dual VCO (NEW) Bloatfield
(9€90 with coupon code : BASSFANATICS Bass Invaders 3 - Bass sounds for Elektron Analog Rytm)
Analog Rytm Techno Sound Pack by M.Brauer (NEW) (124 synth patches 12€) Buy Link
[NEW] Analog Rytm Template by M.Brauer

Prepared Samples :
• Few packages from TokyoDisco on http://www.newwavepresets.com/store/
(Also you can buy by preset : pay what you like one by one)
SH2 Bass & Drums ($15.00)
MS Bass & Drums ($15.00)

• DrivenMachineDrums 3 + MD with 16-bit 48kHz AR ready (77$ http://www.drivenmachinedrums.com)
• Drum Enthusiast (Free Drum Enthusiast | Elektron)

Slice chain/Single Cycle/Samples :
• Ensoniq SQ1 (free Page not found – PatchArena)
• Single Cycle from our @SB-SIX (free https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21666138/SB-SIX%20Free%20single%20cycle%20waveform%20pack.zip)
• Galbanum Architecture Single Cycle (39.95$ Conversion Require to use it but very nice Galbanum - Architecture Waveforms 2010)
• Feed your Analog RYTM by Zabong (free Feed Your Analog Rytm by ZaBong)
• Single Cycle Wave by Zabong (Free Single Cycle Wave Chains for Analog Rytm by ZaBong)
• Acidlab Drumatix byour @AdamJay https://replicantsounds.com

Patterns/Synth Sounds
• New Blood (Free New Blood | Elektron)
• AR 808 (Donate for http://www.valerrecords.com/store/?p=ar808.html )

Tools for Analog RYTM :

Pattern clips by @Airyck
Thread it Here

Performer (OT, AR, AK-A4) by our @gbravetti (Free) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y13bojtyq2kg5lr/AABlxRHfDlzUcKBOw__YTLRBa?dl=0
AR and Max for live (free) : www.maxforlive.com - Download Max for Live Devices
Strom by our @void (4,99€) : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/strom/id907044543?mt=8
Collider by Marcos Kohler (4,99€) : ‎Collider - For The Analog Rytm on the App Store
SDS Drop by our @void (9,99€) : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/sds-drop/id1080035369?mt=12
AR+ OB + Max for Live by @goatofneptune : ftp://ftp.heise.de/pub/ct/listings/1605-066.zip

Analog RYTM Sound Management Sheet :
Download : Elektronauts

Learning Courses
[NEW] https://www.askvideo.com/course/elektron-106-rytm-perform-and-produce


A good way to learn your RYTM is to Reverse Engineering Packs. It’s more understandable on Analog Four Packs because it’s Presets. But with packs you can understand some aspects (same on the Octatrack), how to use sample effectively, how to process them with Effects and get the most of them… + some sequencer programming tricks. Start by listening and compare A/B sample (A=outside AR or previewing, B= used in AR)… Take notes on effects and Switch them OFF then (Compressor, Distortion, Overdrive, Delay, Reverb) Listening how is used LFO and what parameters is actually modulated. Listening how the sample is tweaked (Filter, EQ etc…), trigged… and so on ! (Scene and Performance mode)

How to transfer those packs :


Thank you. You deserve a :cookie:


William - loving your contributions here. Always useful info for me at least.


Thanks @Brister13 glad if you find it useful :slight_smile:


Nice one thanks…

altho your gonna cost me money i bet :wink:


This is something I obsess about, making sure I am aware of all the packs out there (using the synth capabilities), don’t want to be missing out. As you say reverse engineering is a great way to learn new things.

Your A4 is great too.



Looking into some of these but after doing some reading on how to import kits etc into projects im a bit put of. Seems like its still the case where the samples don’t line up as they are in wrong slot.

Like, I quite fancied buying the goldbaby 909 kit to put into a project Im working on…need to work out how as its gonna all be samples i recon :confounded:

I already have samples loaded to slots :wink: …still loads slots free tho

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Always backup before this kind of things.


Thanks looks promising…

Does this solution also copy the samples with the kit (or the assignment of samples to the kit)? When i tried this copy kit function it seems to lose the sample element of the sound and just copies the synth part of the sound?

Thanks for this awesome thread/list! Also, +1000 for Cuckoo’s Analog Plays pack. Soooo good. I used his sound “Stabber Hi” for the plucky/twangy sound here:

The pitch tracking on his melodic sounds is really excellent. Highly suggested pack!


I usually make a photo or take notes about the sample pool so i can remap sample in their according slots… Also i force myself to not fill everything in the RAM i usually keep some free slots so i can map missing sample if required. A Backup is always system files + sample (and remap them if required) it’s nice to take notes… and usually help to save as sounds… on the +Drive. Also i always keep and dump what i find interesting so i can dump back when i need it…

That’s why i post adding sounds from kits… Adding sounds from Kits into project - #14 by Speedball

I always keep a clone of the same file organization (Internal AR) on my computer /project folder/ , /+Drive folder/ , /Kits folder + sample pool folder/ it’s huge thinking and self organization but it’s worth the price DON’t TRUST THE MACHINE EVER hahaha
That’s my experience of the Octatrack lead me that way

Also post by @Speedball
Transfering Sounds or Kits between different Projects require to save each sound to the +Drive first.
If you have saved a sound (which contains a sample) on the +Drive and you want to load this sound in a new project, the AR will automatically load the needed sample to a free slot in the projects sample list. No extra work to be done. Same goes for the Kit. All the sounds of the Kit must be individually saved on the +Drive. You are then able to copy a kit (Load Kit, mark the Kit you want to copy, FUNC + REC) to another project. In the new project, Load Kit, mark a free slot, Paste with FUNC + Stop. Done.

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Tools for the ANALOG RYTM :
Performer (OT, AR, AK-A4) by our Gustavo Bravetti (Free) https://cycling74.com/project/performer-performance-master-snapshot-controller-for-the-elektrons-dark-trinity/#.WBODgnfpOi4
AR and Max for Live : http://maxforlive.com/library/index.php?by=any&q=analog+rytm
Strom by void (4,99€) : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/strom/id907044543?mt=8
Collider (4,99€) : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/collider-for-the-analog-rytm/id1024379666
SDS Drop by void (9,99€) : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/sds-drop/id1080035369?mt=12


Analog RYTM Sound Management Sheet :
Download : https://www.elektronauts.com/files/392


Damn! What a fantastic community this is!


[ NEW ]
• Analog Rytm Transcient Synthesis (15$ http://elastic-membrane.com/products/analog-rytm-sound-pack-transient-synthesis)

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I made a pretty complex drum rack for live, where you can use rytm with overbridge. there is also a german tutorial video on how to use it. its free under

you can get the drum rack here


Nice job, William!
Thanks for compiling the list!

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This is a great list thanks very much!!