Did you know

…that a track with a Track Recorder can not only sample the physical inputs, but also ITSELF on the C input?

Well I didn’t, and I’m overdubbing and stacking in that fashion, much like a pickup machine, and you can also use the track’s own filter (and other parameters) in the process. I mean, I’ve sampled other tracks and the master outs this way, but never thought to try it with the track itself.

Probably many of you already knew this, but I just discovered it tonight…just one more example of why the Octatrack is the undisputed king of coolness.

Yeah it’s very handy. I use it a lot for thru machines so that I can sample the effects too.

[quote=“” bryantalbot""]

Probably many of you already knew this

i didn’t. awesome and useful piece of knowledge. thanks for posting.

what did you mean with C Input ? the SRC3 Parameter in the Recording Setup ?

Yes, I should have said “SRC 3”.

Also, on the Mix page, I turned the Dir signal up so I can hear what I’m doing.

Damn, that sounds baller.

Yes any track or Main/Cue Out at Source 3, together with physical inputs can yield some very complex sampling and playback situations not that easily (if at all) possible with other gear.

It´s easy to get lost too in the thinking of how to setup the structure that you´d like to get, feels just like chasing your own tail sometimes…

Nice one :slight_smile: thnx mate

on the topic of track recorders and their awesomeness: ive been jamming with a singer, and one trick ive been really enjoying is using the cue to sample his thru machine, while layering other parts on top of that. then slowly fade in the other parts to feed the cue. all of a sudden, disparate parts start being stacked together within the same processing sequence. mind blowing, wonderful glitchiness.