I’m hoping Elektron bring the machines concept over to the Model:Samples, at the moment, I only do that above, and single cycle wave tables as far as using chains on it go.
I created lots of samplechains for the OT using OctaChainer and I don’t have access to the original content I created them out of. This makes it possible for me to get those OT files and already merged chains wav files, split them using DigiChain, Trim end (because disk space is much more valuable for DT) and even decide to leave out some slices that are too long (or not super useful) on the fly. It’s essentially much easier compared to getting the samplechain, splitting it yourself, auditioning, trimming end of the samples one by one, THEN get them once again to DigiChain (or OctaChainer => evenly spaced mode) to recreate the chain for the DT.
I would build and play an Audio chain from DigiChain and sample that on the DT.
So it could be only a playback option in DigiChain.
I think a short low volume square impulse would do the trick.
You could actually already do this as it is right now:
- build a chain as usual
- shift+click the ‘Joined Spaced’ button to resample the output back to the list.
- add a marker wav file to the list above the resampled chain.
- duplicate the marker and put that below the chain.
- turn the chain grid off.
- select just the three samples (marker, chain, marker).
- use the regular Joined button to get the chain with the markers pre/appended (or shift+click to resample that to the list for direct playback from DigiChain).
I agree a one click process for that will be useful, and its on my todo list now, but the above can be a workaround until I get it in a release.
Working towards the OP-1 Field features this evening, first up is a merge selected samples utility:
Here, any samples chosen will be used as a mono source as specified by one of the four mono channel choices. You then choose if you want that audio centered (on both left and right) or hard panned left or right.
This lets you quickly create files that have a different sample (or chain) on each channel, which is going to be great for the OP-1 Field’s drum sampler’s mix feature.
Also adding in some extra batch operations, Trim Right Selected, and Reverse so far.
This is amazing. The OP-1 F’s dual-sample thing is just great, but it’s currently a real pain to get two samples in there. Very nice!
I made some progress on importing and converting the weird aif files from the OP-1/Z/Field last night (works the same way as the Octatrack slicing import workflow).
Then I started on the tape track importing from the field - which is looking good, but I never owned the OG OP-1, so, could anyone share the 4 tape track audio files plus the tape.json file from the OG OP-1 so that I can check my work? I want to make sure its good for both the Field and the original.
hey @brian3kb any ETA regarding batch process (most importantly trim right)? i tried forking your 1.4 dev branch but wasn’t able to run it locally (i saw a dialogue stating that it needs to run on a webserver)
I was planning to get the OP-1 stuff in there before I move 1.4 to master.
If you have VSCode, open the project in that then run the index.html from within the editor and it will serve from the VSCode builtin web server, which is fine to use locally. I personally use JetBrains IDEs, but VSCode is free and should work the same way.
The other thing I could do is add a ‘latest’ version to the served site, which I can do later this evening after work. But this could be broken/weird depending on what I’m working on!
ah that sounds good! thanks for the info! i’ll give it a shot via VSCode on my personal computer. I also have a Rider license but it’s on a very strictly monitored work computer so that’s not an option for now
Couldn’t agree more with this. If you don’t enjoy it, the project isn’t worth a hill of beans.
I’ve pushed the changes on the 1.4 dev branch to https://digichain.brianbar.net/latest - as this will be updated more frequently, the service worker for offline support is removed from latest, so as not to cause versioning issues.
Note that I still have some work to do on 1.4, and there are likely bugs on latest that I haven’t got to yet on my regression testing.
I was doing some testing around the pop markers - I personally prefer a very short pop at 0db, this triggers the threshold of the DT for rec start, is visible on the DT’s tiny sample edit screen, also stops the first transient from being lost on threshold recording and most importantly (for me), stops the DT’s auto normalization from changing the volume.
Now, is this what others (you) would like, or should the volume of the popmarkers be limited to the loudest sample of the file being played back?
Edit: thinking some more on this, it’s trivial to have both options, so I’ll make it an option on the settings panel.
This is sort of just a comment aside from the question at hand, but have you noticed that the elektron time division algorithm for determining metronomic divisions of the clock is different than a lot of other equipment? Usually it’s a non issue when you lend clock to another device, but I found when recording the metronome (audio recording) and then trying to sync the recording of the DT metronome to a daw metronome there is quite a bit of variance between the two. I wonder if there is really no standard in the world for what determines fractions of a second or true divisions of time? Maybe I’m just unlucky in that Elektron and my computer have different concepts of bpm.
At the same time, perhaps there is some fortune in the harsh threshold record start because I can then determine the precise amount of time which constitutes a 64 bar DT loop when viewing the waveform. Not that this is an advantage in any way other than if I want to prepare something that could possibly fit on the grid, which is why I took an audio recording of DT metronome and imported it in the first place.
I would imagine the quartz crystal oscillation variance at the processor level affects timing when running multiple devices independently (as in not synced via midi, with no one device as master clock).
Midi is the wonderful wizard of Oz, such as it were.
Re-implemented my Renoise script for slicing the OP-1 Field tape markers into individual files, not sure I’ve seen this done elsewhere, but automated slicing up of the tape files is a real time saver for me!
You may notice in the screen recording that my tapes are in flac format - I always store my OP-1 Field tapes as flac files to save on disk space and DigiChain handles flac files provided your browser supports decoding them.
Also finished up the pop-markers optional setting (turned off by default)
Is the op-1 field thing out yet? I can’t seem to find it. Cheers.
It’s in testing, but is live on latest -> https://digichain.brianbar.net/latest
Edit: to accompany the support of OP-1 Field tapes, there are now also options for 32bit float file outputs for 44.1/48khz in mono/stereo.
Edit: Not sure what happened to the poll - it said I withdrew the post, but that wasn’t me!? Oh well.
It seemed like a desktop app option would be a nice to have, so that can go on the list of things to look at for the future. Thanks for the feedback!