Digitakt II 1.02/1.03 : Bug reports

Thank you for the very thoughtful response. Let me clarify.

As a start, I just formatted the plus drive and factory reset. From a completely blank project, with no sequencer running, when I change the sequencer pattern length above 64 steps, the buzzing starts (quiet, high pitched, and only out of the left ear). No trigs placed, sequencer is off. When I bring the pattern length below 64 - no problem. I also have replicated with the main L+R outs - same issue but slightly quieter for some reason.

USB audio test - As you predicted, recording audio over USB has no issue at all.

Headphone out test - Produces the buzz in recording.

Main L+R test - Produces the buzz in recording.

I believe you are correct when you say that the buzzing is a product of the analog outputs / volume pot. Specifically, I believe it is tied to the volume pot because it sorta acts like a fader for the buzz, where at 0% it is silent, and linearly increases to its loudest at 70%, and then ironically decreases to nothing as the volume pot passes 70% towards 100%. When the volume pot is at 100%, the buzzing is silent. Currently, my solution is to use USB audio or to use external outs at 100%.

Elektron, please fix.

Yeah, no problem, I wish that I had something more concrete for you. I’d like you to try something if you don’t mind:

If you could bring the analog volume to 100% and then use the track level parameter (digital) as opposed to the volume pot to adjust the volume down to roughly what we expect 70% of a logarithmic potentiometer to be. I think that doing this will help further implicate something in the analog outs/volume circuit if that’s to be the issue here.

Since this is all very strange, let me ask you an odd qualifying question:

Are you upgrading from digitakt 1 to a digitakt 2 and did you attempt to import a digitakt 1 project? Have you tried to recreate the behavior in a different brand new project? did you try the machine before reformatting to give us a baseline of whether it was a new problem after the factory reset or if it was an existing issue? An existing issue would definitely speak to something more hardware related. I assume you’ve tried multiple cables.

You could certainly follow up on a warranty claim or return if you’ve just barely purchased it, but another thing you could try if you’re comfortable with a screwdriver (hex driver actually), is to open up the face panel and observe the ribbon cables which connect the top and bottom pcb’s together. You could attempt to reseat the ribbon cables as a way to confirm that there’s no issue in the connection between the control board where the volume pot lives and the main board where the amplification, outputs and processing occur. It’s not too risky, all you have to do is remove the knob caps and the 6 face panel screws, however if this is outside of your comfort zone I wouldn’t do it.

In fact, it’s such a new device you shouldn’t have to be doing any of this but I do suspect it’s a hardware issue. However, if trying to import a 64 step max dt1 project using mono samples into dt2, I’m curious if there could be something like it knows how to convert the existing project but it doesn’t know how to format the extra step length in the pattern.

I know that sounds unlikely but I’m just trying to rationalize the behavior. Anyways, let me know the result if you try any of those things. Good luck.

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@shigginpit going above and beyond as local tech support!


thanks buddy :smiley:


Truly going above and beyond. Let me break down the different questions you asked and try to provide some answers.

1) Volume to 100% and individual tracks to 70%
I have done this and it does effectively solve my problem minus one caveat - Sample preview is still at 100% and almost blew out my speakers. This could be resolved if Elektron implemented a sample preview volume option.

2) Upgrading from DT1 to DT2
No, I am only a DT2 owner and have never used the DT1. I am not attempting to import a DT1 project.

3) New project
Yes, I have tried this on fresh, new projects. Issue persists.

4) Timeline
Yes, my the issue persisted before reformatting and after. Once I ran out of ideas to fix the problem, I decided to reformat to see if that was potentially the issue. It was not. issue still persisted after reformatting.

5) Cables
Yes, I have tried both my headphone cables in the headphone output and the L+R output with a stereo splitter, as well as two discreet TRS cables from L and R into my interface. Problem persists in each scenario.

6) Conclusion
I agree with you. It likely is a hardware issue. I bought the unit less than 3 weeks ago. I have filed a support ticket and, because I am not a tech savy person, I won’t be opening the unit. Who knows what kind of warranty busting issues that might cause.

Right now, I am actually using USB audio and it is kinda great. My problem goes away, and now I can integrate both audio and midi with ableton. Only problem is that my audio interface is now only serving as an output, no cool DSP effects. Oh well, might as well get used to USB audio to prepare for Overbridge (if it ever will come into existance). Again, thank you for your help, Ill see what Elektron Support says. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

I edited my response to make it more focused.

Key points:

  • I think that the problem is in a circuit which only engages when the second “half” of the sequencer opens up, that may be related to the additional LED page lights but without inherent knowledge of the circuit and software design it’s difficult to know.

  • a potentiometer is a variable resistor and a pot at wide open has 0 resistance. So, within a specific range of added resistance, and only with the additional circuit (presumably related to enabling above 64 steps) engaged, it makes the noise.

  • if it’s purely a hardware issue the only resolution will be a repair or replacement of some sort.

Regarding your dsp effects:

If it were important to you, then you could send audio from the physical outs of the DT2 to be processed by your interface and then send the physical outs of your interface into the DT2’s inputs, you can turn up the input volume in the DT2 mixer section and then stream only the audio from the inputs over USB from the DT2. You would just need to configure the DT2 USB audio out to these ends. The disadvantage would be any fidelity loss due to roundabout analog patching, and any latency introduced.

Let me know what happens with this.


Thanks, I’ll try.

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I would like to know what kind of electrical engineer wizard stuff you’re smoking because you are completely correct that the sound of the buzzing is tied to the lights. When I turn the LED brightness to minimum, the buzzing all but evaporates. When LED brightness is at max, the buzzing is LOUD. Again, only when the bottom row of LED’s are lit.

I am in touch with elektron support and have sent them a video of the issue. Thank you for your detailed support.

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Hardly anything so vetted as that, just dealt with lot of practical problem solving on a tight budget. But it’s a kush strain, thanks for asking.

I don’t know if you saw the original response, but it included a lot of supposition and instructions to adjust the LED level to check for results, but I figured it was just too much to unpack in a forum post.

Glad we made some progress, don’t know if there’s much more that we can do from behind a keyboard but good luck, I’d be interested to know the ultimate outcome.


I did read the original response in its entirety and I was very grateful for it. Elektron cannot replicate my issue on their reference unit, so I believe the preliminary consensus is hardware failure.


I think you’ve done all that you can do, I’m confident they’ll get you sorted though. At least a couple of workarounds came to light and for now that’s something.

As far as bugs, that usually deals with firmware but if this is not an isolated incident, it equates to something of a hardware bug or design flaw so I guess that it’s now detailed in this thread is probably a good thing. In a way. Which does not help you at all.

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Im a law student, and if there’s anything I’ve learned (actually just yesterday in class) is that if the problem isn’t in writing, the problem doesn’t exist. Anyways, now the problem exists. Cheers!

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Yeah, not surprising. You’ve tried the usual workarounds to indicate external trouble.

This was some next level remote diagnosing! Bravo! :clap:t5:


Not sure if this is a bug, or expected behavior I’ve just not encountered previously?

Record trigs are blinking (out of tempo) when in Grid Mode and using Linear/Random Locks.

To recreate:

  1. Choose any track, be in step record mode, set one or more record trigs.
  2. Select Machine > Grid.
  3. Press Yes, choose either Create Linear Locks or Create Random Locks.
  4. Record trigs start blinking (out of tempo).

If I cancel Linear/Random locks they continue to blink, if I exit Grid mode and return to One Shot they continue to blink, if I stop the sequencer they continue to blink. The only way to stop them from blinking is to clear the pattern completely. It’s visually confusing because it’s out of sync with Tempo, and it’s frustrating that I can’t easily get rid of it without clearing the pattern. I don’t recall encountering this while using the Slice Machine on OG Digitakt, but I could be wrong?

I believe any trig with a parameter lock (aside from note and velocity, maybe) blinks, to indicate which trigs have locks on them. The automatic linear slices are present as parameter locks on slice rather than note values, I believe.


This explains the blinking, thank you. Not sure why my brain wasn’t equating Grid linear/random locks as parameter locks. Long night perhaps :woman_facepalming:


SRC page 2 display, see picture:

the page one looks normal

Bug or Malfunction of my unit?

any track, after select midi machine and perform a pattern clear(no matter kit, sequence and whole) in setting menu, trig page will display funny thing,see picture

The first picture is typical of the screen, it is ghosting caused by long lines of pixels and occurs on all digi screens. I cant see what is wrong with the last pic.

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