I have preordered a Digitakt several weeks ago (still waiting) and I´m quite happy with what the demos are promising how it will be.
BUT: I´m very dissapointed that there will be no song mode and that you can´t save pattern chains. Some of you guys comment these functions only being for newbies but that isn´t correct. I´m a bass guitar player and I want to ad an electronic component to my band sound, so I´m looking for a midi foot controller that gives me the possibility to do pattern change while I´m playing the bass. Do you think the Keith Mc Millen SoftStep 2 will work for that purpose with the Digitakt? It is quite expensive, do you know cheaper alternatives?
You can set the Digitakt to talk to itself via midi. Essentially you’re creating a pattern chain via midi program change sends. No footswitch needed. Though a start stop switch might be helpful if you’re gonna have both hands on the Bass. Any solution requires a bit of planning but not necessarily a chunk of cash.
Edit: I’d read the linked thread and see if that works for you. I plan on spending more time this weekend doing the same thing. And if the Digitakt could send midi to itself internally that would be fantastic.