Digitakt - MIDI sequencer random mode?

I am looking to grab a DT soon and would like to know if it has a random sequence mode a’la Korg SQ-1. I like this mode with my 0-coast and am wondering if I can get rid of the SQ-1 and leave these duties to the Digitakt.

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What is random in the Korg sequencer? Does it have forward, backward and random for the steps? Or is it random on individual step values?

Digitakt has only forward, no random selection of the pattern playback. Digitakt has probability in % as an option for each step so in a 6 step pattern with all set to say 50% it gets pretty unpredictable.

For the midi tracks having two or more sending notes to the same synth it can even more interesting and “evolving” output.

Example :
Midi track A: 8 step pattern
Midi track B: 12 step pattern with probability set low on each step with notes 1 octave up from pattern A.
Midi track C: 5 step pattern sending midi cc values on step 1, 3 and 5 to alter filter resonance.

Keeping notes in a scale and not all over the place helps if you don’t want it to sound like the carneval in Rio.


Apart from having parameter locks, the Digitakt sequencer is pretty basic. If you want an advanced sequencer I’d look at getting a dedicated MIDI sequencer instead, like the Pyramid or Engine MIDI Sequencer.

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Thanks for the thorough explanation - I get what you are saying and that is probably more dynamic than what the SQ-1 is doing anyway (as you mentioned - forward, backward, zigzag and random steps, basically).

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Thanks - will check those out!

you could use lfo on notes , lfo wave type would give you playback type. (ramp would go up a range of notes , triangle would go up/down a range of notes).

or you could make samples of each note you want to play , and have LFO select the sample.that way the notes (samples) could be selected to be in a specific chord/scale/melody .

and combine that with trigless trigs to restart the lfo with low probability if you want it a bit weird.

not quite what you want / as simple as grabbing the korg box.


It would be cool if Digitakt was extended with playback modes like backwards, pendulum and random but I don’t think that will happen.

I have an Doepfer Dark Time that I really should use more, it’s a classic style sequencer and it works really well with midi as well as CV. It can transpose the sequencer by incoming midi notes so I’m not sure why it’s sitting in its box right now. Should hook it up to the Digitakt and let it sequence on or two audio tracks.

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Cool idea - looking forward to getting the DT!