Because people are going to be asking… I think its pretty well known now that it was built to work with Ableton this go round so the below is not a knock or anything, just reporting what I see, with my setup, and this Public Beta version of OB
I do own Ableton Lite 9 - But literally its always felt so clunky I could never manage to do anything useful with it even without my hamfisted attempts to do things like make a Beta version of OB work so I gave up within the first 10 minutes.
I got it working with the newest version of FL Studio (previous version was very very unstable and would stop producing sound via USB within the first few minutes, nevermind recording). It installs as a synth type plugin not an effect like I thought it would.
USB audio is very low volume - about -12db - Changing USB to Main [db] from 0 to +18 doesnt seem to make a difference. Using the FL Comp / Limiter at +18 gets you almost to 0 but wow… Maybe there is something I dont know about with the USB audio.
Just like everyone has been chomping at the bit for, insert effects, they work fine.
There is no Midi setup to be done in the host, its all done via the OB engine running in the background.
Works like a champ but only for about 6 seconds when recording all tracks separately before glitching out the audio. Seems pretty stable though just playing around within the plugin and triggering sounds unless you are doing a whole lot. I’m plugged into a USB 3.0 port but through a hub so I will try direct connecting to see if it makes a difference. Have not played around with the standalone version, maybe there is a way to use the outputs of that and record into separate inputs in FL? More stuff to try. I’m not even going to attempt to go HAM and feed midi back to the DT to try and control at this point.
Also FL wants to record a main track as well but if you have clock and transport set in the plugin it doubles the audio basically and you end up with flanging because its playing back both the audio and triggering the DT to play sequence so watch out for that.
Anyways, if anyone else finds anything interesting or otherwise with FL as the host, I’d love to hear about it.
Just commenting to keep the OB with FL topic going! I only got a few hours with the public beta but I love it so far.
I have the same issue. The volume boost in the DT only affects the audio coming out of the speakers but not the audio in the FL mixer. I used the volume knob in the Level Adjustment box within the VST. So far that’s the best way I found to get the volume at a place I can work with.
When I start adding notes to the piano roll and/or adding automation the delay, reverb and pan stop working. From the AMP section, the Overdrive and Volume are the only ones that are reliable.
I didn’t experience glitches recording to the timeline. The latency (or lack) of the DT is amazing!
Still a bit confused when using the Total Recall function. I need to read more about it.
This is not a bug but I when I started using the piano roll I realized that I had to use the color notes to use all the tracks. This is annoying because the notes get in the way each other. I have to figure out how to separate them. Maybe through patcher.
Also not all my USB ports worked. I had to try different ports on my PC until I got one that didn’t give me troubles. I just got the OverHub because I also have a Digitone that I haven’t added to the my DAW workflow yet.
And last, is it just me or was there a solo button on one of the first beta vst releases?
Oh the level adjustment! I didnt think of that. Works great! Thanks!
Enabling a midi output port and then creating midi out channels for chan 1-8 works great too, just tested.
Can you explain your setup? ASIO setup & Buffer Length for sound card and for OB? I still get glitches when doing much of anything. Higher latency improves it a tiny bit but not much. Plugging directly into the USB3.0 port I cant tell a difference at all removing the hub from the equation.
My M-Audio M-Track 2x2M Asio is set for 512 (12ms) I can set it to 256 and latency wise its screaming fast. Love that. 1024 or even 4096 still not stable enough. Having fun playing around with it though.
The OB Control Panel Sound Card Buffer Size applies only to things that cant set their own buffer size from what it explains so I left that alone
Driver Performance mode I set that for relaxed and highest and still kinda glitchy for me when I get going. Could be my setup, not the best but not the worst either lol. I get a few seconds in, even with 3 straight tracks only and it just loses it and I get the garbled audio like it cant keep up and eventually I have to reboot the pc to get any sound at all. I’m going to look into my usb setup some more on the PC side.
These are my settings. I’m a graphic designer so I’m using a pretty fast PC with an i7 4.4 GHz, 64 GB of ram, and solid state drives. I recorded longer test files and I didn’t get any glitches. But I did notice when adding effects to individual tracks in the mixer I do get a momentary glitch right after but then it goes back to normal immediately. When I tried recording with effects on I did hear some pops but the audio I recorded didn’t have the pops.
I tried switching the settings to 256 and I did experience glitches especially when adding effects it was impossible to play back the tracks because the audio kept slowing and trying to catch up. The audio also got super loud in the tracks with effects and the noise actually showed in the recordings. I didn’t have to restart my PC after. I just changed the settings restarted the DT.
Thanks for the update man, if I can get it at least usable I’m going to be so stoked. Most of the work will be done in the DT hardware, I just need to be able to effect tracks individually. I have a project coming up and once again 2019 is providing wild synchronicities just in time I’ll post any interesting updates that come along and I think its only going to get better here as the beta progresses. Wooooooooooooo!
Well I grabbed a shovel and did some more digging over the past few days.
I’m running an Intel NUC (ok you can stop laughing now) i7 running 2 (4 logical) cores at 3.10Ghz - 16MB of Ram and 2 512 GB Solid State Drives - It aint the best thing around but its not the worst either. (Your’e laughing again arent you? ) Wringing the most out of this system took some changes.
This is by no means a comprehensive guide or anything just listing my process and progress as I go so it might help someone else.
Dont run your audio gear through a hub. Period.
Try different USB ports - 3.0 port did not so great. 2.0 port - Much better
Update your bios and drivers to latest and greatest. I was a few revs behind
Turn off everything you are not using in the bios. Dont need that LAN port? Disable it. Onboard Audio? Disable it.
Try this guide - Windows runs a WHOLE lot of garbage in the background. For example - Do you need MS Paint and Maps and Solitaire running in the background? I dont. Also optimizing for background services instead of applications as described in the guide seemed to give me more for the usb audio than anything else.
I was able to take the OB driver performance mode to “High Speed” and I can record all 8 tracks with no dropouts or lag with insert effects no problem. Recorded 8 tracks for about 10 minutes without issue. The only thing that gives me audio stutters or lag is when I insert a new plugin while recording. I can live with that, no problem!
So NOW I think this system is almost as good as it can be for running OB. There is further tuning but I don’t want to start disabling other processes which could net me a tiny bit more but would disable some of the other things I actually use. So I’m pretty satisfied with how FL Studio is handling the OB Engine and the interaction with the hardware. It will take some actual music making to see if there are any showstoppers but so far I cant see any. Now its time to stop fiddling and get down to making some bleeps and bloops! If I want more I’ll probably have to upgrade to bigger badder hardware.
“USB to Main” can be used to amplify the signal coming in from USB (from the DAW) and going to the Main outs of the device (and not the other way around).
Just to note as well, that the plug in wrapper loads the channel volume of the vst automatically at 100…crank that to 127…then add volume multiplier as need. You may not need to by simply “turning up the OB vst volume”
Great idea this thread…it has covered alot…any one have any problem with start and stop causing glitching when “sync on save” is enabled?
Have not gotten into sync on save. Still making cheesy 4/4 beats with all 8 default sounds that’ll be the next part I play with. I got inserts for all 8 tracks running pretty decent. FL kinda has an advantage over AL in that you just have to auto populate all 8 to different tracks. Take that Ableton! J/k Ableton is legit, just not for my workflow.
Any body got any ideas how I can alter Overbridge’s zoom level when the option is off-screen so that I can see the entity of the UI? Control Panel settings don’t seem to effect it.
on the drop down tab in the top left corner of the plugin wrapper…there is an option to select “detached” if you select it you can move the wrapped plugin anywhere on screen “or off” even over the menue bar etc…then resize to 80%
Adding a few thoughts, as I just set up FL Studio and DT last night.
First off, OB and FL worked really well together. In fact I’m really impressed with OB.
As a new DT owner, OB adds a ton of value.
I was recording 8 tracks in no time, and I love the ability to sample from the DAW in the the DT over USB.
Late last night I got the midi input driving Omnisphere, and that was very fun!
On the GUI for DT, I found that I toggled the sync setting from “none” to “clock+transport” quite often.
When I was recording audio I needed it set to clock+transport, and once audio was captured I didn’t want to hear both the recorded audio and the DT so I set it to none.
Maybe there is a smoother way to do that, but this worked fine once I figured it out.
One thing I did that others might be interested is how I automated pattern changes for the DT.
I used patcher to connect a keyboard controller —to—> midi out.
By tuning the values of the keys, I could access one pattern per note.
This made it really easy to plan out the pattern changes for the song.
The highlight of my evening was leaving the DAW to go into another room with headphones and the DT. After tweaking the patterns, I came back to the DAW and recorded it. It just worked first shot… I was so happy!
Although I got it working, is there a better way to send midi program changes from FL Studio?
I know you can use the midi out controller on CH 10, but it’s pretty sloppy to edit the events.
What I really wanted was to say at this song position, use pattern 1, and at this song position use pattern 2, etc.
That is exactly the method that I came up with. I can’t stand it. It’s just an “It totally feels wrong to do it this way” kind of thing. I’m going to look into Patcher at some point as I think it may get us closer. It’s not MAX/MSP but a few people have made some cool stuff and controller type setups for hardware so simple control changes might be doable and in a way that feels more proper. There are huge midi threads on the IL forum about better midi support and they have been working at it but I’ve not done a proper deep dive in yet.
Jeez it’s too early in the morning. Just re-read you used patcher to do it. I think getting to the event automation can be done via the wrench tool on the midi out plugin itself so no need for patcher to draw it the klunky way. I was sure patcher had some more funky widgets where you can basically add dials and there is controller where you can input formulas for example. Out of all the flippin tools in the box surely some combo can get us there. If not it should be coming soon. I hope.
Yeah - I don’t know if there is a good way to share patcher creations… I’ll look into it.
Using the piano roll to change patterns works well, but maybe we can do better.
it would be ideal to have a drum instrument view, with a few other things like being able to trigger the Fill button (FNC+Page) the same way.
I fully realize DT is a performance tool, and you can do all this stuff by hand which is very cool… but with OB it’s so close to also being an amazing idea box for composition.
I connected a keyboard controller to the midi out device, and then edited the keyboard values to be roughly in increments of .01 ( I need to figure out the conversion here, as I just did it by process of elimination, and if you send large values to the DT it will lock up).
I named this Pattern Changer, and used the piano roll to send notes to it.
This seems a liitle long way round?
In the DT choose which channel you want program changes received on…say 16
In the OB plugin, in the settings set a midi port in number…say 15…
Open a new midi out track in FL set the port out to 15 and midi channel to 16…
In the pattern selection boxes at the top of the fruity wrapper for the MIDI out you choose your pattern and its fully automatable…also you can configure each of the dials to control the parameters of the midi channels 9 to 16…
Also I’m reading around more in the daw manual (RTFM right? ) and event editor is gettingme closer. Still drawing things in but you can use the tools - scale option to get you for example from 0-127 or 0-99 (Korg monologue program change range) or whatever you need AND you can set the tools - snap and set it to step or beat or bar. Takes a bit to set it up and I think we have different goals, but for me this works for a way to do pattern changes. Waaaay easier than using automation clips and drawing the dots from 0 - random pattern number. Just feels super klunky.
For the more real-time oriented pattern changes the keyboard method you created seems to be the best way to do it or maybe a launchpad and event editor clips assigned to each pad would be kinda neat. It’s pretty open ended and you just take the time to set up your own workflow.
I spent 2 days trying to get midi working properly.
I had the DT setup as a generic midi controller, but no matter what I did, I kept getting midi note doubling, and then note cancelling across channels.
I got so frustrated that I started to consider switching DAWs.
Then as a last ditch effort, I started choosing different device drivers, and low and behold using Novation Launchpad fixed my problems! No doubling of notes, no midi canceling, and all channels and CC’s worked perfect. Thank goodness because I really want to stay with FLS.
Edit: I found that the Novation Launchpad configuration is not a perfect match. The piano roll does not react to midi notes. For the time being I switch to the generic midi config when I need to record notes from the DT, then back to the Novation Launchpad for performance.