That’s not going to give you what you want, and you might end up with a pulse of a higher voltage than the volca expects, although if they were sensitive to 5v pulses i think we’d all be aware and cautious about that by now
The volca’s can get going off of a 1.5v-ish trig pulse
Anyway - midi adapter cables are not remotely applicable in your case - the Din Sync analogue out is not using the pins that midi does, so that adaptor won’t be right unless it’s din sync specific - even if it is your clock pulses will be far too fast for the volcas
You need a Din Sync adaptor to get the analogue pulse out or you need a device which translates this, e.g. a monotribe can do this from midi in to pulse out or maybe a keystep or similar
you can clock divide teh din-sync pulses, you may need to divide by 6 or 12 iirc
or maybe take a midi clock into an arduino or similar and chuck out pulses to taste
your other option is to drive the volcas with audio impulses, but that would forfeit a channel of the DT and would stop you using wet fx - a bit easier on cue out of OT
here’s info on Din-Sync - it is an entirely separate mode and technology on the DT which only shares teh same DIN port outlet shape, but not pins or protocol, one being analogue the other being digital, only a dedicated adaptor can help
I don’t have a digitakt so might be totally wrong here, but isn’t this solved fairly easily as follows:
Tell Digitakt to output midi clock via it’s midi out.
Digitakt midi out via a 5-pin MIDI cable to Volca #1 midi in, sending midi clock and start stop to run the sequencer on Volca #1 and/or notes and CCs.
Then you can run the sync out from Volca #1 to the sync in on Volca #2 via a mini jack cable which will transmit the sync signal and same again to Volca #3. You’ll only have sync going to Volca #2 and #3 that way though.
The sync inputs only accept a sync pulse for tempo. The volcas will start playing on receiving the first clock pulse but you need to press play on them (which arms them) before pressing play from the master clock source/digitakt. The volcas also need to be in EXT sync mode for this to work, which you do from the Setup menus (usually hold some button whilst turning them on to access it then use the step buttons to enable / disable various options - see the manuals for details - there might also be options for setting the ppqn transmitted which will need to be set correctly for the volcas or the ones further down the chain being sync’d via the sync sockets will run at some multiple of your intended tempo!).
If you want notes and CCs as well as clock going to ALL Volcas you’d need a midi thru box to split the digitakt midi out to 3 separate midi cables as you can only send notes and CCs to the volcas via the midi din inputs.
I discounted a midi > midi solution because there was secific mention of the DIN>trs (plus i only really use the volca modulars regularly, they have no midi input) and all of those old volcas are clearly DIN (thus no need for contemplating trs)
but if they talk nicely with midi clock then a thru box is another option and a handy utility to have - if transport is catered for too as mentioned, then probably even better still
out of curiosity, why had this been involved when the older volcas all have DIN MIDI, had you just made a leap that the trs sync port was like those on a model:cycles
oh well at least you found the reason out, i guess those are startup options - out of interest, do the volca ‘pulse’ tempo dividers from that startup mode still do half-time via midi ?
Oops edit - you can output half-time sync pulse (once every 2 steps instead of once per step) - the volca drum does - I have two of those and here’s the setup menu from the manual for those:
But I’m not sure if you can clock a Volca via midi then output sync at half time. You might need to clock via sync in to do this. I’ve not tried it but might do - I’ll report back if I do.