I’m a bit confused with midi channels and tracks in Digitakt. I 100% get how it all works when I’m using the DigiTakt’s own sequencer, and love it for getting ideas together. However, now I’m using my MPC Live as my main sequencer to control the Digitakt and some other standalone synths. Rightly or wrongly I set up my midi channels so Digitakt track 1 (Kik) was set to receive on midi channel 1, Digitakt track 2 (snare) was set to receive on midi channel 2 etc. However on my MPC Live I have a track called Kick, set to midi channel 1, except on this track I’m able to trigger both the Digitakt kick and the Digitakt snare from the one MPC track set to midi channel 1, it just depends on the note that is triggered it plays a different sound.
So my confusion is around the differentiation between sounds, tracks and midi channel when triggering the DigiTakt externally. Hope this makes sense.
It sounds to me like the note values you are sending are in the 0 octave range, and the digitakt is designed to assign individual notes to that specific octave. See if you can pitch shift those notes up by 12 semi tones, and baby you got yourself a stew. or the ability to space pitched samples out across a keyboard idk
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You know what, I think you might be right. That’s in fact great news that I don’t have to waste 8 midi channels for 8 different drum hits from the same synth. So here’s my next question then. If 6 of my DigiTakt tracks were drum hits but 2 were synths (where I’d need them to behave chromatically), can I still have a synth sound on say track 7 sitting in the 0 octave range but play multiple pitches of that synth sound (presumably using some other midi CC data seeing as the midi note itself would be confined to that single midi note in the 0 octave range) if that makes sense?
I’m pretty certain that this is what the auto channel function is for. Not only will you have access to all sounds in that C0-B0 range, the selected sample will also be accessible via the upper octaves, pitched.