Digitone overbridge and ableton

Hi i’m a newbie and i’m smashing my head over the configuration of the digitone overbridge and ableton live .
So i downloaded the last overbridge software installed it and started ableton live , no problem to find the vst plugin i created the midi and the 4 separate sound track , following the overbridge manual it’s say to put in the config sound the driver to ASIO , the problem start there going to ASIO i can’t hear any audio from my headset that’s is connected to the pc , with driver config MME/directx i can choose my headset and i can hear the digitone .
Is ASIO config made to connect the headset directly to the digitone or i’m missing something ?
Huge thanks in advance

Are you using the Digitone as direct Audio device or is it connected via an Audio Interface?

When you switch to ASIO in Ableton, you need to select the Audio interface (either dedicated one or the Digitone if you don’t have one), then you have to go into the channel config and enable to Inputs/Outputs.

Also on the tracks themselves, you have to activate them selecting the correct channels and set the parameter from AUTO to IN.

the digitone is connected directly to the pc via usb and nothing more
under audio device ( where you have arturia asio driver ) i selected digitone

so at the moment is like that how do i config ?

Just use your regular settings you had before installing overbridge…
overbridge works separately along side your soundcard

Set each audio track Monitor to IN, then you should hear something. :slight_smile:

When you hit play, do you see “green” activity in each track’s level meters?

Also did you open the Overbridge Engine and do you actually see that the Digitone is there as device?

This is how my Digitakt template I made in Ableton looks like:

Since the Audio is coming from an External device, you have to set Monitor on each channel to IN.

Only when you have samples loaded in the actual tracks as clips or audio recorded in the Arrangement you set Monitor to Auto.

even setting like that i can’t hear any audio untill i change the driver to mme/directx

@ [DanJamesAUS]
so you mean just using the mme/directx driver setup ?

Whatever you had set that worked before you installed overbridge…
You don’t have to change anything in audio card settings to get overbridge to work…
Overbridge works separately to your soundcard

If you’re using your DN as your audio interface, then you monitor everything through your DN, so your headphones should be connected to it instead of your PC. What you’re doing by selecting it as the interface is making it the sound card for your PC. It will help with both latency and audio quality for sure.

ok thanks so the asio option it’s used when i want to output the audio from the digitone itself while when want the audio output from my pc i use the other setup right ?

@Th3z4cK Ahhh… yes of course. You have speakers directly connected to your PC? Then you have to stick to MME/DirectX.

If you set ASIO Audio to Digitone, then you have to connect your speakers to the Audio Output of the Digitone or like someone else said, connect headphones to the Digitone and listen from there.

Thank you everyone for the fast help !

Can we modulate or automate mod wheel and breath controller from Ableton Live?

I couldn’t find a way to do it with overbridge.

im on pc and i have nothing here, should I? I can record to ableton