Digitone Tips and Tricks

Elektronaut Swiss mentioned that there was no Tips and Tricks thread for the Digitone.

So I thought I might start one and see if it gains any traction. I’ll start:

Here is how to set up Digitone (with 1.21 and up) for live-recording multi-sound finger-drummed parts using the Digitone sequencer keys. When set up properly, it also has the added bonus of allowing more than one sound to be recorded on the same step in a single track without having to use the microtiming trick.

For setup, you first need to assign soundpool sounds to single note ranges in multi mode. In the SETTINGS/MULTI MAP EDIT, add ranges in order, mapped to soundpool sounds. I went ahead and made a written list of the drum sounds I wanted to use with their soundpool number next to them.

So for the first range, you might want to trigger your bass drum. Set RANGE LOW to C 0 and RANGE HIGH to C 0. Set NOTE to C1 (or whatever note value your kick sounds best). The ranges set to C0 mean that the first “key” (9) on the Digitone will trigger that kick drum.

Now assign the soundpool index of your kick sound to SOUND SLOT

Now go back up one level (NO key) and do another ADD RANGE. This one will have both RANGE LOW and RANGE HIGH as C#0 (the key that will trigger the sound). That is the first “black key” (2) on the Digitone.

Now assign your next drum sound index for that C#0 key to the SOUND SLOT as you did for the first range you created. Now assign it a NOTE value. It can be C1 as well, but if you assign different NOTE values for each sound, you can trigger AND record more than one drum sound on a step in a single track!!! This is amazing, and if used properly, allows you to have entire multi-layer drum sequences on a single track. This was a big “wow” factor for me.

Keep adding single note ranges and sounds on up the keyboard (for practical purposes, up to 13 sounds/keys total, up to the range C1/C1) to taste until you have a full playable kit. One possible setup, you could have smaller kits of 6 sounds each, the first kit mapped to the lower notes (9-12 and 2-3) and the second kit mapped to the upper notes (13-16, 6-7) with key (5) mapped to some non-drum effect or other arbitrary sound.

Or for an even simpler setup with maybe only 4 sounds to play live (then step sequence any additional sounds from the sound pool later), you could map something like kick, snare, hh, clap sounds to keys C0, D0, E0 and F0, the first four “white” keys on the sequencer keypad. Easy for recording your core beats live, then tweaking later.

Remember, once your sounds and ranges are set up, you HAVE to be in the MULTI MAP EDIT menu in settings for multi mode play/recording to be enabled. This is actually a GOOD thing because the Digitone will operate in its “standard” fashion with no confusion unless you deliberately enter multi mode by entering that part of the settings. Note that this setup works for recording on any track.

So, while in the MULTI MAP EDIT menu, select your target track (T1, T2, T3, or T4), then press REC+PLAY to enable live recording. If starting an entirely empty pattern from scratch, you should also have enabled the metronome. Start finger drumming whenever appropriate and and your playing should be recorded as multiple notes with the correct sounds to the selected track in your pattern.

Hope this is helpful to someone. :slight_smile:


Nice one mate :muscle:

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Great hack! Thanks for thoroughly explaining.

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You could also just use one RANGE (C0-C3), fill your soundpool with 36 kickdrums or the sounds of a drumkit and then set SOUND SLOT NOTE INC to 1. Now every key has it`s own sound.

" Setting a specific SOUND SLOT and setting SND SLOT NOTE INC to 1 is convenient if you wish to define, for example, a succession of drum sounds that you have stored in a given sound slot range to be mapped to a specific section of the keyboard.
You can then record the track in LIVE RECORDING mode, and the sound slot chang- es are then recorded as sound locks to the sequencer."


Someone pin this. I can add as I come across stuff. Consider the wiki format that the Digitakt has as well?


Silly question but can you take any sound from a pattern and just add it to the pool?

I mean from the pattern itself, not from the patch list.

I believe you have to save it as a new sound first, and then it can be added to the pool, but this may have changed recently with all the updates.


Good add. With a little pre-planning in the sound pool organization, the MULTI MAP setup is indeed easier. My longer method for assigning ranges is more appropriate when the drums in the sound pool are not in any particular order or proximity to one another.

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Thank you very much for the tips! I’ve been looking for this kind of thing for making beats on the Digitone. Can’t wait to try it out!

Not sure if this is common knowledge, but the Digitone doesn’t have the retrigger feature, but you can fake this with arp.

From what I’ve tried, the arp retrigger trick only works on the track’s sound itself, and not the trigs where the sound has been p-locked to a different sound. That means that if you set one one track’s sound to a hihat, and enable arp with a speed of 1/32, the p-lock kicks and snares to taste, you can then enable and disable arp to make the hihats ‘retrigger’, without affecting anything else.

As an added bonus, if there are certain hihats you don’t want to retrigger, you can p-lock those trigs to a different sound in the pool, which can be the exact same sound as the one on the track itself.

I’ve only had the Digitone for a few days so I’m just really excited about it. My bad if this is common knowledge :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve got a ton of good patches already filled up in my tracks that I’d want to add to the pool, assuming the patches are minimally changed from what’s saved I don’t want to go to every pattern and write them down, THEN add from the sound manager.

There has to be a better workflow, right?

I just had a neat idea for creating a pseudo performance knob function for the digitone using only the digitone itself and midi loop back. Haven’t tried it yet, but it should theoretically be possible.
Load or create a new sound on track 1 and configure some settings for aftertouch, mod wheel, pitch bend and breath control in the setup menu. Program a simple sequence or let the arp run. Now use midi loop back and set the four knobs up to the respective midi cc values for aftertouch, mod wheel, pitch bend and breath control on midi track 1. Enjoy real time control for 16 parameters from a single page, which is of course also recordable and mutable! I think the pitch bend range has to be set to 0 though.
This thread is fairly new, but maybe someone has already tried this before? Any thoughts on this?
I’ll report back as soon as I get around to try it.

Edit: tried it and it works like a charm. Just be sure to disable clock send and receive in the midi configuration. I also disabled note receive, just to be on the safe side.
If you’re up for some proper madness you can set up sounds and sequences on the other synth tracks and set them all to receive on midi channel 1. Now use midi track 1 to send pitch bend, mod wheel, aftertouch and breath control cc messages to all synth tracks at the same time. This almost brings the digitone into octatrack scene territory, with the exception that you have 4 scenes which can be combined or stacked!
The cc values are reset if you reload the pattern, but they only affect the sound if you touch the knobs again. This behavior can maybe be abused to maintain changes in sound across chained patterns.


Thank you for this !
I have got a litttle problem and cant really find my mistake. I did everything as described and i can play nice polyphone fingerdrums on the Digitone. As soon as i record my drumming (in the Multi Map Menu), i can see that i recorded more than one note , but i only hear one drumsound at the time.
any advice ?

Record 'drum trigs' in Multimap mode? ?

I’ve had some time to play around with the midi loop back trick I introduced a few posts ago. It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve discovered on the DN so far!
In addition to using midi track 1 to control 64 completely different parameters of the 4 synth tracks via pitch bend, mod wheel, after touch and breath control knobs simultaneously, you can also set the midi LFO destination to one of those parameters. So one midi LFO can control up 16 parameters of the 4 synth tracks at the same time! Keep in mind that there are 3 other midi tracks that can be set to the same channel to control the remaining 3 destinations.
Holy fork!
Think about that for a sec!
What this allows is to create patterns that slowly morph from one mood to a completely different one over the course of a few cycles. Or set the LFOs to a faster rate and let the pattern morph rhythmically in sync with the tempo. Don’t even get me started on p-locking different LFO rates, multipliers, shapes or depths, which again can be muted and unmuted. You can also copy the whole pattern and change how pitch bend, after touch, mod wheel and breath control alter the sounds of the 4 synth tracks to completely change the whole thing up.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting by thinking that’s the most amazing thing since sliced bread, or if you have to hear an example to realize the potential this trick unlocks. Unfortunately, I’ll be pretty busy with work these coming weeks but I’m thinking this could be worth to do a video tutorial on (never did that before). Thoughts?


Please do mate

I’d sure wait for that.

Was thinking about experimenting myself but a shaky guy wearing a foil hat told me loopback would irreversibly warp the fabric of the space-time continuum as we know it.


You said you wouldn’t say anything about it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I found that one, too, I guess see: Sequencer & Sound Programming Tips for Digitone


Oh nice, I didn’t know there was another thread for DN tricks. Now this one seems a bit redundant :neutral_face:

I’d like to hear the result.of this experiment you propose! Please do.

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