Something I tried today which was fun and useful.
If you want to modulate the micro timing of the step, there is a kind of workaround.
Algorithm 1 should be use for this example. First go to the second syn1 page and set the ratio offset of operator C to -1, so it’ll now have a 0 Hz frequency which means that it doesn’t produce sound anymore but acts as a wavefolder on the operators modulating him. Then, increase the modulation level A on page syn2. We now can hear sound. The interesting thing here is that the modulation enveloppe now acts both as a VCA and a wavefold amout to the operator A.
And now, set one random hold lfo to modulate enveloppe delay A. At every key press or every trig on the sequence, the sound will be randomly delayed.
Of course, the same process can be use with the two B operators and their own enveloppe. With algorithm 2, you can have two independant notes with their own random timing.
Same process can be use with the delay filter enveloppe but depending on the setting of the filter, it won’t always cut completly the sound and doesn’t work as well.
And be sure to have the Amp enveloppe sets with decay and release on infinite and attack at minimum.
This rad. Bookmarked!
I recorded some examples to illustrate the random microtiming trick (it can also be modulated by regular lfos of course but random is a way of life for me). The three sounds are processed by AH+FX (some eq, filter and srr/brr)
The first is a percussion patch with two distinct sounds. It’s only a 16th arp running with one note. Each sound has his own timing because the two lfos randomly modulate separatly enveloppe delay A and B.
Same patch but tempo on 600 bpm, it almost create pseudo granular texture (it could go far away by setting the arp to 96th)
The third is a melodic patch. Two carreers but with one modulating the other. Each carrer has its own delay enveloppe modulated resulting in a random microtiming and a random timbre on each note.
Awesome, we’re entering truly Buchla or Serge randomness territories here!
My attemps at that were more rudimentary, modulating amp with a looping envelope LFO, itself modulated by a random LFO.
I did not get the results you shared!
This is a technique I also use but the results are very different, it’s nice to create acceleration or deceleration of a pulse but not works as intended with random microtiming.
In case anyone else runs out of voices as much as I do -
You can use the ratio offsets to make nice chords without using multiple voices.
Algo 7 works best.
Eg for a minor 7th stab useful for techno
C offset to +.5 (5th)
A offset to 0.
BI and BII offset to +.775 (7th) and +.185 (minor 3rd)
No FM needed
Set the harmonics control to AB on the saw shape and a tiny bit of feedback, and you’ll get a reasonably subtractive synth style saw wave chord you can filter nicely, and the XY control works nicely to balance the root and colour notes of the chord
Very good tips! On the Square Wave I didn‘t get the values…. could you write it here? Just the level of Operator A. Thank you !
From the top of my head: +/- 74
Thank you for your help!
Nice thread!
One thing that I discovered recently is that you can use the modulation pages (AT, Mod wheel, BC) as defacto performance pages. Just go to the Modulation page and use the data/level knob to control the modulation. You can set it at whatever depth you want and you don’t have to worry about being on the right parameter page. Also, Elektron, give us a performance page for the DN please and thank you.
secret LFO slew unlocked:
if you modulate envelope end parameter of the operator level with LFO, you can slew/smooth LFO signal by adjusting envelope decay.
in other words, decay portion of the op level envelope always enforces a slope to any change of the envelopes end, which makes things like random LFO slew possible.
hearing smooth random and ramp LFO coming out of DN is so cool, already have ideas on how to use it
This is very interesting? Could you make a video demonstrating it?
Question about preset management…
I’m trying to find a way to organize my presets easier. I bought a bunch of the preset packs from Elektron, and want to trim down the ones I like vs don’t like. Unfortunately the transfer tool doesn’t seem to have a way to display the preset type (eg. pad, drum, brass, etc). Is there a way to filter things down somehow and remove presets by type, say if I want to remove all kick drums for example? Or is this going to be a manual process, filtering the type by tag on the Digitone and then manually deleting each one? Any suggestions for how to manage presets?
Is there a trick to “lock” the notes of one track when doing pattern transpose?
Use-case: I have an external drum machine driven by notes on MIDI track 1, and don’t want that to change.
Copy the MIDI Track to be preserved, do the pattern transpose then paste the MIDI track.
Hey ya’ll! Didn’t @Ess do a deep dive tutorial on digitone sound design? I was trying to find it on YouTube but had no luck. If I remember correctly, it was just a solo video of him in a dark room lol. I remember it being really good
this is awesome.