I think it would be really cool if Elektron made a Monotrack, like a single Octatrack track with one record buffer and made it cheaper.
Different thing, and I have a guitar. I have a goal I want to accomplish and the point for me personally isn’t really to just have fun with whatever (I’m happy for the people who do that however)
You know what I wouldn’t even care if it was mono
What is your goal ?
Have you considered the Zoia ?
Probably more efficient than a hypothetical Monotrack…
I want one Octatrack track to chop samples, like a digital tape.
Will have to check it out
Accidentally didn’t reply, anyway u see the post
what if it was sort of modular? you get one track/device (or module) which can be chained to others…the X-Track
That’s called a digitakt.
I was really hoping for an Octatrack without any channels: the Nulltrack. Instead of whole “parts” they could just have little “fragments” or perhaps “particles”… It would be cheaper, no recording buffers to manage, so much easier to use.
Can’t sample while playing
You know it makes sense
Lmao that could be fun
Monotrack… key.
Edit: 1/2 gold star for @turbo7021:
This… kind of makes sense? Since DT now does so much with samples and sequencing, you could cleave another big piece of the OT functionality off and build a Digi-sized live looper with sequenceable mangles.
I mean this drop is basically the essence of this thread sans sample.