Does Elektron Model:Samples have per-track LFOs?

Reason is, I’m making a series of ambient washes, one on each track. I’m using a stock osc wave for one track, and want to use the same wave on another, just tuned up a 4th, or 5th. On the LFO page I set everything to the instructions for long attack times, using the ENV LFO type. Two channels do this just fine(the osc on one and noise on the other) but on the 3rd channel the Attack time is not affected at all. This is the channel I want to use that same wave on, just tuned up. Am I not able to use the same sample on 2 different tracks? Or do I have only 2 LFOs per project? Maybe my Model:Samples is just broken. Any info much appreciated.

This is totally possible. So there must be something in the LFO settings for the channel that doesn’t work. Have you checked that they are exactly the same, depth up, etc? You could always copy a track to another to ensure the same settings, then pitch the copied track up as you please.

You can use a single sample across all 6 tracks, no problem.

One per track, so six in total for a single pattern.

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