Dreadbox Artemis

On Saturday, there will be a series of raffles throughout the night. There will be given numbered tickets at the door. The winners will get one of: Hypnosis DIY kit, Hades, Erebus, Nyx DIY kit, Nymphes and one of newly developed synths, announced on that same day.


Looks like a teaser glimpse of the new on the right side of the flyer.

Really curious what it is going to be.

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Perhaps the long awaited bug-fixes for the Typhon? :crazy_face:


Where do I find this door? :thinking:

The new synth looks affordable, which at the moment is enough to get me a little bit hyped. I love me some beefy Dreadbox oscillators.

Hopefully a Nymphes with all the controls and a few extras.


Yeah, would really like a mk2 of this one, just with a more pleasant user interface

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This. They have become sufficiently big of a name that they - in my opinion - should cater a lot more for the UI of their synths. The Nymphes is such a lush sounding synth, but the UI doesn’t really invite to playing around with it, and saving presets on it is dreadful.

I’ll be all in if they manage to get an easy UI without overlapping functionality (ie. the shift-function sliders on the Nymphes - they confuse me so much when recording live takes).


I’m gonna guess it’s the Abyss MkII.


Where do I find this door?

For real though, I feel very unclear on how to participate in this haha

Its a release party in Athens, Greece. So I can’t make it :crazy_face:


Ahh, bummer. I just found that on insta too. Why is it so hard to get free synths 🫠


Ive wanted this for years, Lets hope so.

I even checked up flights, but the prices and stay over is way over my budget compaired to the chance of winning something i already got :slight_smile: But would be really cool to be there

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A Typhon mkII :heart:


Nah, Typhon II … or Typhonverk.


Instabuy, buuuut what would they change or add?

Typhon MK2 would be great but… What features do you want?.. I feel that I don’t need more… I don’t use the internal sequencer and FX (specially reverb) are superb.

Nymphes… I didn’t use much because the UI, is very very difficult and strange to me. With a screen it would be absolutely fantastic, but now I have a faderfox EC4 and maybe mapping do the work.
I love the nymphes aesthetic but it’s very difficult to use without a screen. I’m sure that there are people out there that loves synth without screen, and there are very good examples but nymphets needs one.

I guess I’m nuts but I don’t find the UI so bad for nymphes. Of course I’ve navigated 90s samplers and octatracks so they make the nymphes seem very simple.

Saving a patch takes me 2 seconds.

I still can’t believe I have a 6 voice analogue poly that sounds this good for $400. But I guess that’s just me.


I don’t think it’s a simple MK II of one of their smaller synths. They’ve teased it as something like by far their most ambitious synth so far. I’m also guessing something like Abyss 2 with 8 voices.

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It’s called Artemis