Drum styles for various electronic music genres

So I am trying to match drum styles with various genres for example:

Roland 909 style drums- techno, ???
Roland 808 drums- hip hop, R&B
Roland 707 drums- industrial, pop?
Roland 606 drums- ???

Right now to understand how they differ, I have been playing around with the various drum kits in Ableton Live and trying with different types of bass sounds and synth leads.

I’d be careful assigning machines to genres too rigidly.

A lot of techno is/was mixed kits.

909 has been used extensively in hip hop, pop, and rock
Etc etc.

Even drum and bass - primarily sample based drums, but enhanced with the 909/808 etc. :sunglasses:


606 = acid


If you pigeonhole a piece of gear to a particular style you do yourself a disservice, because you close yourself to exploration.

A lot of drum machines were prevelant in a particular style or genre not just for their sonic characters, but also because that’s all that was available at the time. If in the early days of hip hop or techno or whatever there had been more affordable choices, I can guarantee you that those records would be using a lot more sounds than 808s and 909s. Producers basically wanted to music, and got the gear that was easily accessible to them at the time - more times than not, they didn’t go “I need a hiphop drum machine”, they instead were like, “I need anything that sounds good to make hiphop.”

It wasn’t like it is today where people can now ask, “what do I need to make techno?” and others reply promptly with a cookie-cutter answer, “Elektron this and that!” LOL


I get that just trying to gather a ballpark of musical styles and the drum machines/kits usually associated with them. Like if you play country western music, a Fender Telecast guitar into a Fender Blues amp is often used versus playing a downtuned Ibanez 7 string guitar with EMG pickups into a Diezel Herbert amp with high distortion.


other genres involved or associated with some drummachines

808 house,
909 trance, acid

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House and techno have two defining drums. The 909 open hat and ride.

Other than that, it’s a mix of heavily processed samples. With that said though, the 808 and 909 are the genesis of those heavily processed samples.

And not to burst anyone’s bubble, but a lot of earlier house and techno were recycled loops of other house and techno records.


i advise you to listen to some egyptian lover


I associate the 808 with Skee Mask because of his EP titled 808BB and his much he uses it.


that definitely has Roland 808 drums all over it. I have the Roland TR8 boutique machine and it gets those sounds. My favorite is the kick drum of the 909. I can get there on my Rytm and Endorphin.es Queen of Pentacles and Jomox bass drum. But what is missing is 606 and 707. I can use samples of those or maybe get the Drumatix from Acidlab.de. What style would you associate the Erica Synths LXR02 and Perkons with?

Skee Mask uses the 808 boutique as well. :smiley:

606 and 707 are undiscovered countries for me, but I have a mate who swears by the 606. Need to try one sometime.

I kinda associate Erica stuff with techno but they’re so versatile you could do anything with them really. :smiley:


right on, yeah I experiment with drum kits in Ableton to see what works for music production before buy anymore drum synths. I like the Rytm because you can tweak each drum to be what you want based on tunings and other settings. Virus TI2 also can do some amazing drums and bass. I never thought of Virus TI as a drum synth but it really excels.

Absolutely! I’ve been meaning to make 16-part drum multi patches on the TI2 for a long time but never get round to it. Often I scroll through the drum patches in the TI2 and am amazed. Have you fired up the demo mode recently? The drums are amazing.

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Indeed the Virus TI2 is a real powerhouse monster synth. I do need to fire up demo mode again. I am going to record something that I made last night that was amazing bass and drums. I wish that I had bought the Virus 15 years ago. Even new 5k Waldorf Quantum MK2 cannot really touch it. I am looking at getting a second desktop Virus TI2 to use if deal comes up. It is that good! I like the ability to quickly mute each part by turning down the oscillator and other volume fast and then have several sets ready.

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