Hello all,
trying to figure out the logic behind its way to share Programs with a computer (I am on Mac BTW).
I dumped Program A128 and tried to send it back to the Evolver in another slot, lets say B128.
But what I found is that even if I am on slot B128 and send the Program, then it goes fine to B128 but when I try to save it on the Evolver using its internal function (Hold to Save) and I switch Programs then back to B128 the imported Program is not there anymore.
But it gets “automatically” saved on A128 though.
So I am thinking that Programs dumped from the machine carry the original Bank/Slot position.
And the only way to save the dumped Program elsewhere is to Hold to Save and while led blinks choosing a new position.
you can see on page 48 of the manual that the program dumps include a reference to the bank/slot whereas the edit buffer does not include this, but is otherwise the same (assuming no tweaks since saving) - when I was doing stuff with the evolver (most synths tbh) I’d look to retrieve the edit buffer - it’d be easy to construct the brief midi message and save a midi file to playback whenever you need the evolver to reply with the current buffer
then whichever slot you change to, the buffer recorded/resent will just update that new patch - much easier in an editor
When I bought the unit I have inherited the VST editor. Usable and easier way to edit the Program, even if it doesn’t have a “return to default” command for knobs/values.
So I’ll be using that for swapping and saving Programs.
But I always go through the “traditional route” when I buy a machine so I tried to understand how to perform this important step.
Indeed it’s subtle (the manual reference was just to point you to edit buffer command), some synths will bake in the location, some will send a patch that can go anywhere… I like to work with edit buffers which most synths will send so I was most familiar with patches being as you wanted, patches with the location baked in can get you in all sorts of bother if you’re not careful
amazing mono-synth, super deep and flexible and it has a great midi spec