I made a A4 editor with MaxMsp/M4L.
Make sure your A4’s OS version is latest.
It contains standalone and M4L version.
And some M4L patches.
track all = you can edit all 4 track at once.
This function can be used for poly mode.
randomize = You can randomize parameters per module(VCO,VCF,VCA,LFO).
Also you can customize randomize behavior by advanced menu.
poly/layer mode = You can use A4 as a poly synth.
You can buy the patch from the link below.
http://hyakken1234.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-7.html(you can use paypal)
Setup guide:
There is demo patch.So please try demo before purchase.
If you don’t own MAxMsp, you need to install Max Runtime. It’s free.
poly/layer patch (not finish yet)
layer2=Trk 1+2 layer3=Trk 1+2+3 layer4=Trk all
Poly_A = ignore new notes if all 4 voices are used
Ploy_B = replace old note to new one
Panic button = all note off
About A4 setting:
This patch use NRPN for controlling A4.
So you need to set your A4 as described below.
go to global menu [Function + Global]
enter the [MIDI PORT CONFIG]
set [OUTPUT CH] = [TRK CH]
M4L version:
m4l version needs to run one MaxMsp patch called “ableton to a4”
M4L Patches:
analog type sequencer
assignable pads
Audio_to_A4 and A4_Side_Chainer
v1.1 added trackall page for editing all four tracks at once
v1.5 added randomizer
v1.55 added advenced menu to the randomizer
You can customize randomizing behavior
v1.57 combined polylayer patch and the editor,added analog type sequencer
v1.57 added m4l editor
v1.6 a4p for m4l
v1.62 parameter send function,lite version of the standalone editor,a4padmini
Thank you
v1.63 graphical envelope shapes
two new m4l patches
v1.7 added preset function and preset morpher and remote randomize button