Anyone else think it would be cool if Elektron would build a power supply block that’s capable of powering 4-5 units? Something like this.
you are right!!!
if i could, i would give you a thousand likes for this idea!
Maybe we could change one 9v for a 6v? Then that would be perfect!
yep i told them last year at sonar, they should look at their database how many user have actually a dark trinity etc. so they could see the potential how many units they could sell. an all around solution to reduce all the cabling. I saw Cenks setup and thought myself what a mess allways to setup
Triple like.
Are you suggesting even little adapters you could use instead of the power cables that come with the boxes? Because that would be excellent. And the plug can extend/retract from/to the unit so you don’t even have to lug all your adapters around when you want to jam on location!
I’d further this suggestion by supplementing a case where you can carry 2/3 in(small + large) with a dedicated spot for the power block and easy routing for the little adapters. That way your Elektron Power Studio fully portable.
To dream is the pennacle of humanity
I would buy one of these in a heartbeat
really great idea. setting up and packing up would be so much easier with something like this.
i imagine they’d sell more if they made it possible to change the characteristics of each output. not every elektron device has the same electrical demands.
Resurrecting an old thread here, but I was looking at pedalboard power supplies but none of them that I’ve seen give 1A or 2A outputs which would power the elektron AR/A4 (2A) or DN (1A). I suspect something like this could be self built with a bit of careful planning, but I’m surprised there isn’t something available. It’d be awesome to have a single unit powering both my elektron gear and a few pedals.
I’ve bought a custom flight case to hold an Octatrack and an Analog Four and some pedals.In the flightcase there is a power supply with three 9V outputs plus a 6V and 12V outputs for the elektron machines. Write me if you could be interested.