Hi. Does anyone have tips on how to make rumble on syntakt?
Don’t think there’s any “rumble” in that video above
I decided to try - and I found the best results with the chord machine.
A chord at a very low pitch has a fair bit you can work with
Set a HPF at a low cutoff with some reso, remove some top end with the base width filter if you like, make it pump a bit with the LFO > Amp Vol etc
Doubling up and using two chord machines at different settings can produce good results
Thank you. I will try that.
I didn’t know rumble term. This seems interesting:
From what I understood, at first I would duplicate the kick track, shift it by 2 steps, increase attack, use hipass filter, add reverb and delay, mix it…
That’s exactly my go-to approach!
I have a my own Ableton Live rack which produces techno kick rumbles… I caught the rumble bug when I visited Berlin! Can’t imagine replicating it with a drum machine that doesn’t use samples, it’s very brave.
This guys videos are always great he covers a lot of techno ground
Challenge accepted! I have a feeling it’ll be a doddle with the 3P and CC’ing from Octatrack, I’ll stick to one channel too
use an LFO 1 shot envelope on your kick track to send to the delay, shape it so you’re not sending the sharp attack to the delay, only the rumbly body, and then EQ the delay send to taste
Techno rumble kick attempt. Let me know if I’m off topic, as I’m still not sure what is a rumble !
This is what I always understood as a techno-rumble-style kick
Syntakt kick+rumble 1 track, then some other bits n bobs.
edit: haven’t checked the other videos above, sorry
edit 2: no reverb just filters resonance and parameter locks
Ok so I bit off more than I could chew trying to get it to work on one channel… It’s doable but I wasn’t really that happy with it - the reverb was hard to keep in check.
So I scrapped that and added a channel - pulled this together quickly enough, maybe 10 minutes? I did cheat a little by adding some reverb to the whole thing - but the reverb on the 3P is really only good for shaping sound so sue me.
Octatrack sequencing Nord Drum 3P:
Could apply the same principles to the Syntakt for sure. There’s a second kick on the off beat that has less click, more decay, distortion, some reverb and delay - all applied carefully to get that texture. There’s also some percussion with super low velocity on the 16ths.
I mean that’s not quite the “rumble” thing, but you do you … techno can be whatever you want it to be.
Too much energy spent these days trying to make techno all sound the same IMO
There is no rumble kick in the video. But I tried it a few weeks ago and it works great with the syntakt. There are several possibilities with reverb and delay. Definitely to be heard soon in my next videos.
these videos are always amazing can’t wait for the next ones !
Not to go too off-topic but 200% this, wise words
Well, I just wanted to learn to get better at making tcno.
I agree with this statement but learning techniques could also be a way to give you enough weapons to be creative.
I love watching tutorials to see how other people achieve the same results using different ways.
It all depends of what you plan to do with what you learn
Yep you can learn a technique and use it in different music styles, something personal !
That is an excellent point! Totally agree