+Drive Sample management
— drag and drop sample organization & uploading
Project management
Sample Pool
Sound Pool
— each can be reordered while retaining all relationships
— find and remove unused pool items
— see which samples and sound a pattern uses and vice-versa
Project archives
— projects can be saved & restored locally from files
— patterns from one project can be imported into the current project, pulling in require samples and sounds
How to Run it
Use a browser that supports WebMIDI (so, not Safari, or anything on iOS), and click here:
Upgrade to Mac OS 15 (Sequoia) if you can, as 13 & 14 (and maybe earlier) have a bad bug with large sysex messages (details).
FireFox just outright crashes with large sysex. Bug filed, acknowledged, but no fix yet.
Linux Users
FireFox works just fine here!
You’ll need to increase the ALSA MIDI buffer size in the kernel. (Thanks to @DG2 for this fix.)
# increase the buffers without rebooting
echo "500000" | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_seq_midi/parameters/output_buffer_size
echo "500000" | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_seq_midi/parameters/input_buffer_size
# or configure the module so it'll do this at boot
echo 'options snd-seq-midi output_buffer_size=500000 input_buffer_size=500000' \
| sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/custom-midi.conf
Awesome! @avantronica I saw you closed the previous topic. The link to this topic was buried a 4-8 post up thread in the old one, and I was mightily confused about why it had been closed.
Can imagine a few people followed the topic. Any chance you could put a note for people to look here?
You are doing so much for the digitakt users its a whole other level of needed features that you provide.
Only through your work a lot of my livesets have been possible.
Thank you so much.
Another moderator has sorted this as a footer - I’ve added a header notification to both topics as well - the topics were closed at the request of the OP
@mzero congrats on the new version ,it looks really good.
Can I suggest you add to your initial post the details of firmwares that are needed , basically the info people should know / should have checked before they post bugs .
Just to avoid this x 100 in the next few days.
Person 1 - it doesn’t work
… what os are you on. ?
Person 1 - version xx.xx
… that’s not latest , please update
Person 1 - ah, updated and it’s fine now
You don’t need to be on the latest firmware at all!
elk-herd explicitly supports older firmware for both instruments. For DT, back to 1.08, and for DT II back to 1.02. I haven’t seen anyone ever try to connect with anything older than those.
I did this because I understand that if you are a performing musician, you don’t want to update your firmware before gigs, or in the middle of a tour… so it isn’t uncommon for people to have instruments with older firmware.