Elk-herd 3.3 Release

It’s a been almost a year in coming…

➩ elk-herd 3.3

a project manager for the Digitakt & Digitakt II
a +Drive sample manager for Digitakt, Digitakt II, Model Samples, Analog Rytm, & Analog Rytm II

Changes from 3.2

  • Support for Digitakt II
  • Support for stereo samples
  • Many small UI tweaks
  • Huge internal re-write to make it easier to support future OS updates and devices.

New to elk-herd?

@DaveMech has got you covered:


  • +Drive Sample management
    — drag and drop sample organization & uploading

  • Project management
    Sample Pool
    Sound Pool
    — each can be reordered while retaining all relationships
    — find and remove unused pool items
    — see which samples and sound a pattern uses and vice-versa

  • Project archives
    — projects can be saved & restored locally from files
    — patterns from one project can be imported into the current project, pulling in require samples and sounds

How to Run it

Use a browser that supports WebMIDI (so, not Safari, or anything on iOS), and click here:


Yes it is a web app… but your data never leaves your computer. It does send me anonymized usage stats… but you can opt out of that.


  • Report Bugs either on github or here

  • Mac Users

    • Upgrade to Mac OS 15 (Sequoia) if you can, as 13 & 14 (and maybe earlier) have a bad bug with large sysex messages (details).
    • FireFox just outright crashes with large sysex. Bug filed, acknowledged, but no fix yet.
  • Linux Users

    • FireFox works just fine here!
    • You’ll need to increase the ALSA MIDI buffer size in the kernel. (Thanks to @DG2 for this fix.)
# increase the buffers without rebooting
echo "500000" | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_seq_midi/parameters/output_buffer_size
echo "500000" | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_seq_midi/parameters/input_buffer_size

# or configure the module so it'll do this at boot
echo 'options snd-seq-midi output_buffer_size=500000 input_buffer_size=500000' \
| sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/custom-midi.conf
  • Windows Users
    • All good!

Always free…
Have fun
Make music

— Mark


Amazing, congrats on the release


This tool has already saved me a lot of work. It’s really great. Buy mzero a truck full of beer!

That’s a game-changer:

patterns from one project can be imported into the current project, pulling in require samples and sounds

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Thank you and congratulations!

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@avantronica I saw you closed the previous topic. The link to this topic was buried a 4-8 post up thread in the old one, and I was mightily confused about why it had been closed.
Can imagine a few people followed the topic. Any chance you could put a note for people to look here?


You are doing so much for the digitakt users its a whole other level of needed features that you provide.
Only through your work a lot of my livesets have been possible.
Thank you so much.


Another moderator has sorted this as a footer - I’ve added a header notification to both topics as well - the topics were closed at the request of the OP


Understood. Thank you :pray:

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THANK YOU! I’ve been looking forward to this. I will be diving into this tonight.

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I can’t load any project in Elk. I get this error message. Help me solve the problem, please

@mzero congrats on the new version ,it looks really good.

Can I suggest you add to your initial post the details of firmwares that are needed , basically the info people should know / should have checked before they post bugs .

Just to avoid this x 100 in the next few days.

Person 1 - it doesn’t work
… what os are you on. ?
Person 1 - version xx.xx
… that’s not latest , please update
Person 1 - ah, updated and it’s fine now

This error happens when large SysEx messages are dropped. This is usually a connection or computer OS issue.

Please DM me more info:

Computer OS you are on
Browser you are using
How is the Digitakt connected? Is there a hub involved?
How is USB set on the Digitakt?

You don’t need to be on the latest firmware at all!

elk-herd explicitly supports older firmware for both instruments. For DT, back to 1.08, and for DT II back to 1.02. I haven’t seen anyone ever try to connect with anything older than those.

I did this because I understand that if you are a performing musician, you don’t want to update your firmware before gigs, or in the middle of a tour… so it isn’t uncommon for people to have instruments with older firmware.

Even this bit if info is handy :+1:

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You are a Legend @mzero :raised_hands:

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