Erica Synths Bassline DB-01

Especially the (cv output to) filter tracking is really nice to me.

Curious if it would be interesting to use one of those cables with a built in attenuator, so you can attenuate filter tracking, ánd the Env.Amount knob (for the other pre-routed envelop destinations) in different offsets/variations.

I didn’t know such a thing existed (I have no experience with CV at all). Might not be worth $12 to experiment but if someone has one already…

Before I try this (plugging CV out to CV cutoff in) and possibly destroy my machine: I only have TRS 3.5mm cables, not TS. Are these okay to use?

Edit: I decided to brave the experiment, and yes, they are. I like the sound better with the filter tracking. It occurred to me that I have a small mixer with 3.5mm in/out and could use that to control the amount of tracking. But it would still be affected by the ENV/CV LVL knob so it could get weird with live tweaking. Might not be worth it.

Any thoughts on how this might compliment an A4? I am thinking of getting one but feel like I might be able to get some similar sounds out of the A4 if I work at it.

I would not discourage trying to work with what you have. I have an A4mk1 and I still bought the DB-01. I am using them together, with the A4 providing percussion (and eventually, perhaps, a mono pad and an arp). I could not find anything in a fair range of presets on the A4 (I am not skilled enough with it to cite my own sound design attempts as evidence) with quite that rich and deep a sound. Also the filter is much more aggressive, and the randomization of steps and pitches is quite different. There is certainly some overlap, and the DB-01 is much more limited, but I think they complement each other quite well. If you have an A4mk2 you might have more of a chance at the sound you want, and perhaps someone with that combo can comment.


Thanks, I decided to go for it! Now to figure out where to put it… lol

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Volume level at 5 works for me, rarely do I need to turn it up.

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Has anybody managed a decent techno set using the DB-01 as the main synth?

I definitely havent yet, I’m still struggling a bit getting used to the sequencer. As quick as the Elektron sequencer was natural to me, this one takes some longer for me to adjust. Sometimes I get great things, sometimes I half lose grips of what’s happening on the DB-01:) But I’ll push through a bit longer. Definitely wouldn’t use it live until I reach a point where I don’t lose sound/control of it regularly haha.

That said, @ObscureMachines uses it lots on his Youtube. Also as a side-friend in most of his EatSleepTechnoRepeat modular improvs. For example here’s one around the DB-01:


Hi guys I’m having a firmware problem. I can’t seem to turn the synth back on now and when I enter bootloafer it just stays on dfu. I’m using a patch cable to connect via clock in to a Mac and play the file but no luck

Try emailing Erica directly for support. They reply quickly.

I tried using a mac to play the audio file and it wouldn’t work, switched to Windows and worked first time.

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I used a Mac without problems, using VLC as the manual recommends. I didn’t have to change anything but on another forum I read that some people had to adjust the FM level pot. The LEDs light up to show the audio level; it needs to be loud enough.


Thanks, should I be at 12 o clock or 9 o clock?

I believe the FM level pot controls the incoming volume in this configuration. Turn your Mac volume up all the way and try it at 9 o’clock, then turn clockwise if it needs adjusting. I remember the LEDs flashing in the 1/3 to 1/2 range (from the left), but that’s just from memory, I wasn’t taking careful notes. To be honest, I was expecting something to go wrong (it’s a pretty fiddly procedure as these things go) but I was fine.

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Have placed a ticket with them. Still getting the sync error message coming up. Could I expect it could be broken? Is there something I may have done that could cause an issue?

I’m sorry that your frustrations continue, but they are good about responding to support queries.

Just started to get some progress (got to a round 004?) then I’ve had crc error come up?

To me, a CRC error indicates noise somewhere. Using good cables? Not touching anything while the process is on? No other audio sources (notifications, etc) on your Mac?

[Heh, the forum software is telling me I’m replying too much and to get other people involved…]

@plragde thanks for all your help I’ve managed to fix it! Pretty new to the db-01 (arrived thsi weekend) and had a min panic!