I ordered one from Perfect Circuit last night. They’ve got a 10 percent discount through the 4th of July.
Looks like it offers a ton of parameters to tweak. I only wish they would offer some different reverb emulations and algorithms - like Rooms by Death by Audio. The only thing in the manual I can find where you can change the actual voicing of the reverb is here:
By default, the reverberation effect on the Nightverb is achieved by
emulating an array of tape delays. You can select an alternative mode,
where the reverberation effect is based on BBD delays. To do so, rotate
the encoder to select the DIRTY option, push the encoder and select ON.
Push the encoder again to confirm and now your Nightverb will be set
to BBD mode. Note that this setting is saved with the presets.
Still, sounds great! If a little lacking in character.
Curious if anyone has tried the Nightverb yet?
I reckon if you combine this with the Zen Delay, the music gods would immediately rapture you into Dub Techno Valhalla.
I haven’t, but got the impression that it is based on the 112dB Mikron reverb. https://www.112db.com/
That plugin delivers reverb as a special effect in spades.
Here’s Richard Dehove doing exactly that with the LXR (minus the dub techno):
(And some other Nightverb videos on his channel too).
Does Nightverb respond to Program Changes?
The manual mentions incoming midi CCs but not program change. But I don’t own one, so I may be wrong.
I know it’s made to be explored but if it has Presets, it should have Program Changes. Something I didn’t check before purchasing. Bummer but the fault is on me. Thanks for checking out @bibenu!
Hopefully it’s supported but not documented, or something they could implement via a firmware update.
I’ve heard a lot of positive things about Nightverb, and it’s high on the list of outboard effects I’d like to have.
After recently trying a BBD delay, I’m very interested in the BBD emulation mode this has.
It’s not, I’ve tried everything (I think).
It’s strange, lots of news on this and it’s been out of stock for the last month here in the states. Hopefully they ship some more soon, wouldn’t mind checking it out.
112db also has this plugin available, Mikron Cascade, that looks to be pretty similar minus some parameters and the hardware of course. Ahh someone already mentioned this.
Ah, I thought you ordered one - not that you had one now.
I take it you’ve tried sending bank/sub-bank changes too?
I read the information for erica bassline which requires both MSB and LSB to be sent for patch change, you’ve already tried that? The cc’s were posted in a thread here. I can look for it if you’d like.
I suspect that since preset change is accomplished by 1/4" TRS footswitch that it may not be immediately available on this device but even so, maybe it will get an update as well.
No. I’m sending PC from a DT II, I don’t think you can do this on it?
I think maybe you could lock values to a step to send, might have to use 2 tracks but IDK. I can’t say this will work because it’s a different erica device but worth a try isn’t it? A little more info in that same thread but it looks like this was the info that came directly from erica.
If you can make it work at all, you can figure out the details of streamlining the process later.
I thought about sending via CCs but no MIDI implementation chart in the manual.