The MidiRex works as a midi looper for MPE, and the midiphy folks have also put it on the list for some future (a ways out, likely) Loops release.
You don’t believe that the patches featured in the “Sound Design Progress” videos were programmed by EE? Or did you come across information about who actually programmed those patches?
As I understood, they are!
In April 2020 I heard directly from Christophe Duquesne (Hakenaudio) that he is working on presets for the Osmose. Makes sense that the creators and experts of this engine are doing this job. I will ask if he could provide more details when I will have my next chat with him. Would be interesting to hear how the collaboration with Expressive E works.
Just noticed on EE’s website that the price for the O has just increased from €1799 to €2158.80.
That’s quite a hike.
They’ve added 20% which is equivalent to vat…
Are folks checking from Europe seeing the same? Might be a region thing for those in UK?
When explaining pricing to me originally they wanted 1,799 to be what everyone saw price wise regardless of currency. Maybe it’s been changed to incl VAT now for UK views.
it says 1799€ for me
man… I am so excited about this! Is it 2021 yet? only a few weeks until delivery?
Not sure why they’d do it this way though as they’d need to collect the vat and pay it over which is understandable for UK orders but not really for US so could be a red herring
Ah got you. Yeah, shows higher in uk.
Yep, I’m slightly confused as @G0n35y reported that EE would alter the pre-order price for UK buyers to be in line with the original price which included VAT. So for UK buyers, that would mean a price drop on the second and remaining installment to allow for the VAT to be paid by us to HMRC on import, no?
From what I understand, they’ll be doing a special price fix for us with pre orders. I’m not really sure why they would change the web price as I would still expect import Vat to be charged regardless!
I wonder if their sales system just needs a going over to be able to display dollars, euros and pound prices?
@G0n35y That’s how I understood from the info you obtained from them, although, as you say, it seems an odd move if it is exclusively increased for new UK buyers as they(new UK buyers) really will be paying the VAT twice.
@Jukka I’m super chuffed I got onboard early doors if they are good to their word and adjust our UK pre-order price accordingly, as it’ll work out just about half price of if I was buying now.
@PekeDorty I’m really looking forward to this as well. I have made a pact with myself that this is the only gear purchase I will make in '21.
I’m going into a 7 week bio-secure bubble for work in a couple of weeks. It would have been absolutely incredible to be able to take the O with but that ain’t gunna happen. Anyhoo, all good things to those who wait, as they say…
Are you talking about the January 25th Update ?
That said mid-April for launch production and first shipments, though it sounded like production will ramp up from that point. That update is a while back, so there should be more info soon.
Do you have other information ?
I’m expecting another update is about to drop.
I’m just working with faulty memory here. I thought I recalled someone somewhere saying June’s the new expected date, but don’t rely on me.
Do you work there ?
This is starting to get suspicious, haha
No ! I would have known about the new feature. But i do get psychic about things i’m really excited about and tuned into. I jumped on the Hydrasynth day one, for instance. I’ve done the psychic thing with good friends a lot, too.
But blipson also did some prediction too, saying June !
getting there…
June should come around fairly soon. Has been a long old haul!
Pressure weighted portamento - the feature I never knew I needed till now…
One downside of the Osmose is that every other keyboard you play after will seem really basic.
We’ll all be wiggling our fingers on the keys and wondering why it’s not making any difference.
Haha, I was joking, but that was pretty impressive ! The day you wake up really excited about an Octatrack 2, dont hesitate to create a topic