September !
I hope, there will be a switch for real time decisions…
@Jukka since you work for Expressive E ( ) could you share if there’s any plans for a 61+ key version?
That portamento feature seems awesome! This keyboard really calls to the piano player in me
2:42 is a good example of the kind of phrasing - in my case some Persian melodies that i’d learned - that I’ve tried to do on my Voyager and other keyboards, but the sensitivity just wasn’t there. The grace notes in that kind of music are really subtle.
The track that inspired me to seek out Persian music lessons. Yup, pretty excited that I’ll soon get a keyboard that’ll let me play grace notes with that kind of subtlety. Sounds like that vocal patch can be tweaked to sound more like a ney too.
I reckon 49 keys is simply to test the waters with this new format/technology. No point at this stage going 61 or higher if there are technical/QC issues to iron out. Although all reports from Expressive E seem very positive in that regard, but only time in users hands will tell for sure. So i’m sure other models will follow, but not that soon.
two of them = 98 keys
If he says September then I’m thinking I’ll get mine this coming Winter at earliest. Well, actually, that’s just a repeat of what Expressive E themselves stated in one of their update emails.
I like the shoutout to us “punk keyboardists” that SonicTalk. So Nick, Ty, and Co are counting on us punk players to come up with the unexpected, eh? We won’t let ya down!
The last update email says first shipments in June. Haven’t heard any change to that as yet. I hope it’s not September…
Does anybody know if there will be (really good) Piano presets in Eagen Matrix?
If they do put a piano preset in there I’ll bend the shit out of it because of all the busybodies/wannabe influencers who say you should never pitch-bend a piano patch.
Giving me an Osmose is like giving me an electric guitar with a whammy bar then telling me I can’t use the whammy
What is that, 88 EBows?
It’s a design challenge for sure.
A real piano is not designed for pitch bend, vibrato, etc. People do not seem to like the sound of a sampled piano being subject to pitch bend. So you have to design your piano patch in such a way that when the Osmose expression techniques are applied to it, it’s going to somehow sound pleasing to most listeners - seems like an almost impossible mission to me.
I’m assuming most people who ordered an Osmose did so because they want to utilize a load of expressive techniques that a real piano does not allow. Otherwise, what’s the point - you could have just bought a Nord Electro or Stage and be done already.
But if you just use its expressive techniques on your premium multi-sampled piano, you’re back to square one - 1% of your listeners thinking its cool and 99% hating it because pitch-bent sampled piano sounds “bad”.
Yeah, but this is the electronic equivalent of a kazoo.
A piano preset designer would have to be very creative indeed to make this work on Osmose. Like maybe side-side finger motion introduces a bowing effect on the virtual piano strings. instead of teh usual guitar-like vibrato.
Really need to think out of the box on this one.
Sure, Una Corda and the resonator are cool ideas.
I’m just saying pitch-bending a piano sample is the non-starter - the instant cheese sound.
I’m not going to cancel my order if they put the cheese piano bender patch in there - just saying it would be a waste of effort on a sound practically nobody will want to use.
Well, I had no idea of the depth of your commitment to the sound of pitch-bent piano samples. I cannot win against such passion.
Cheers to you my friend
I get what you are saying and find it interesting. It sounds to me, that you are looking for a good physical modelled piano. Are you aware of PianoTeq?
Somebody brought up Pianoteq in a thread about Zynthian.
Apparently there are people out there happily running Pianoteq on other Raspberry Pi based devices as well.
You won’t need Osmose for this - just a Raspberrry Pi and any 88-key controller will do.
But I guess if enough piano lovers contact Expressive E with ideas for a piano preset that would use the Osmose’s unique feature set creatively, maybe they’ll do something? They’re the ones that need to be convinced, not me.
I only mentioned Pianoteq as an example of a well sounding Piano-plugin not based on samples, that would be able to do, what you describe if you set it up correct with the Osmoses.
As to having the same advanced piano option native in the Osmoses (which would be lovely) I’m a bit more pessimistic, since the technology needed has taken Pianoteq years to refine and the plugin is not cheap.
I don’t need convincing either