Just ask them if you really really want a piano sound in the Osmose - with specific expectations about what “advanced options” you want. Don’t forget to tell them what behaviors you expect when you move your fingers in various directions, apply pressure, tap on the key, etc.
I guess if they do add user audio for the Osmose resynthesis engine it will only be for pre-loaded samples, as opposed to live resynthesis (like the Rossum panharmonium)?
Unless they surprise us with audio in over usb. Or even a repurposing of the pedal inputs…
I still have to figure out where I’m going to set up the Osmose. The Monoprice stand helped get the Matriarch and mixer off my couch, but there’s more planning that needs to be done.
Holy shitballs, that arpeggiator looks cool.
Can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Do you reckon they will include a way to programme instrument definitions for external instruments using the knobs and buttons over various pages using the screen on the osmose?
It would be nice to use this as a fully functional midi controller
Arpeggiator was the one feature I asked them, I am thrilled that we were enough to ask for it that they put it on the road map.
Plus a MPE arp could be really game changing, with practice. I love this idea!