Favorite synths, drum and bass for darkwave and synthwave music production

Hi everyone,
Wanted to gather a list of new synths, bass synths and drum machines that are best suited for synthwave and darkwave styles of music production. Vintage synths cost a small fortune today and need frequent repairs. I find that my Virus TI2 does a decent job as an all in one synth for this style.

Baby Audio BA-1 is a synth wave beast and Super VHS gives everything that wonky vibe.


I am looking at hardware only

Any new synths, bass synths, and drum machines would be equally suitable for these genres.


A buddy of mine who makes synthwave had a very serious collection of synths from many eras and got rid of nearly all of them for the Virus TI.

Those genres generally use fairly classic synth sounds as a rule so you can get what you need pretty easily without too much specialisation or weirdness. A lot of the early artists in the dark wave area made great use of the Korg MS10 in particular, which is quite different from the MS20.

Don’t overlook the Behringer Deepmind as many do, it’s a really excellent source of classic analogue poly sounds and it’s the perfect machine for layering with something a bit weirder. Wicked bass machine too, which I don’t hear people mentioning about it much.


For general purpose -wave stuff, the Roland Jupiter Xm seems like the one-stop-shop. I would imagine that the MC-101/707 or the Fantoms could too.

For the darker textures of darkwave, a MS20 (expensive) or K2 (cheap) would be good. A lot of '80s sound (which is what the -wave genres seem to be) comes from DX7s, so a Volca FM would be nice to have.

I agree with @PeterHanes though - you ought to be able to coerce any Elektron into making -wave music, with the A4 being a particularly obvious choice. Should be possible on a MnM, if you have one.

Don’t overlook Behringer in general. The TR-8s and Jupiter Xm are probably a less expensive way to cover all of the vintage Rolands, but the other Behringers are generally very good clones of the originals.

You probably won’t like the interface of the Xm when coming from the Virus.

Other do-everything synths to consider:

  • Korg OPSIX
  • Any Hydrasynth

Don’t listen to people who complain that these synths have a particular sound that they don’t like. They are at least as versatile as the Virus and can sound like anything if you put the sound design effort in.


nice! I will have a go at it with my Virus and Elektrons before buying any new synths. Roland Juno X and Prophet 10 and MS20 may help in future.


Gabe Miller is big on Synthwave and he really loves the MC101 and MC707


Roland MC-707 / MC-101 (i own both)
IK Uno Synth Pro
and good old Blofeld


Roland JU-06A boutique for a start. Oozes synth wave.


what about the new Roland Juno X?

It is probably worth your time to do a deep dive on the Juno X vs. Jupiter Xm vs. Fantom-06.

I think the Fantom is the real value here. You don’t get the retro style of the Juno/Jupiter, but you get a MC-707 style sequencer, as well as pads, knobs and faders. Sweetwater is selling them for $1300 vs. $2000 for the Juno X.

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Oh without question. I loved the Ju06a so much I swapped it for the Juno X. I can bet my life that the X is the one synth I’ll never part with. It’s my dream come true of owning a Juno in the modern era. Awesome that it has Roland drums in it too so I can often jam strings with a CR78. Bliss.

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I had the Fantom 6 and no doubt it was a knockout but psychologically just looking at the layout of the X just makes me feel like I’m at the helm of a 106/60. The Juno X is a little more focused as well. The Fantom does everything


The Xm may be the uncanny valley synth. It has the right color scheme, but two few knobs and faders to be convincing.

It is pretty cool that Roland offers so many variations on what is largely the same idea:

  • Integra 7: screw the UI, put all the sounds in a 2U box!
  • MC-707: most of the good stuff in a desktop/laptop box
  • Jupiter X/Xm: Jupiter flavor
  • Juno X: Juno flavor
  • Fantom: All you can eat

Dnb synthesis : Waldorf iridium / digitone / M8 tracker


Integra 7 is my next purchase ! Get cross mod and ring mod just like in the XV5080 we’ll get the xv 5080 inside the integra lol


Basically any Roland and you’re set for synthwave. Virus, probs, too.

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I will see if I can do it with the Virus. A worthy challenge.

Yup and it is massive. I enjoyed trying out a Fantom in the past. Would be a great workhorse synth.

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