Hi I’m trying to use the flex machine for live resampling from a live trumpet
on the record setup I put the src3 from track 6 (I have there a thru machine with some effects for my trumpet)
But when I record on track1 on the flex machine , the machine don’t recognize sound, if I change the input to c+d I have the signal of the trumpet but without effects
The only way that the src3 works for me it’s when I use a pickup machine
Anybody knows what happen?
Have you activated the thru machine? You can either do it manually or place a normal trigger on the thru machine’s track (I usually use the first step).
Edit: I forgot to mention how to trigger the machine manually. I believe you hold the track number button and then Play. You only need to trigger it once in each session and then it’s “open”. I don’t usually do it manually, to prevent forgetting the next time. Placing a trig on the first step of the sequencer works better for me.
Yes I heard the thru machine with the effect on the trumpet, I also have the first trigger on the thru, but on the 1track it’s not recording nothing (I see the >+ , that it’s recording but it’s nothing on the buffer,
Also I use recording buffer 1, I don’t know if this is important
Flex machines dont record any thing. Ever. They cant. All flex machines do is play samples.
Recorder buffers record samples. You have 8 of them available at any time, all the time. So you can use the track recoder on track 6 (your thru machine) to record your input source, which in your case is T6.
Then you can preview the sample, and assign it to a flex machine, or save to card and play it from static.
Remember, you’ll need to arm the recorder buffer, either manually or with a recorder trig.
Also make sure thru machine has the amp env open, either with a trig or manually.
(Edit: The following words I would soon find out are flat wrong. Flex machines only playback samples/recording buffers, the recording is completely independent of Flex machines).
Just a heads up, you absolutely can record with flex machines. That’s why they’re called ‘flex’ machines I imagine because they’re more flexible than static machines and can record samples. You probably meant to say ‘static’.
audio, for loading your choice of machine to either playback samples or pass through audio, or add efffects chains etc.
Midi, for sequencing external midi.
Track recorders do the recording.
You do not need flex machines to record. Because they cant. There is no function of a flex machine that allows recording. The recording function belongs to track recorders, which are separate from flex machines.
Flex machines play samples from either the recorder buffers, or samples loaded to the flex slot lists. Hense the name flex.
It is a common misconception that flex machines record. They dont. You can prove it yourself by loading nothing but thru machines on every track. You will still have all 8 track recorders available.
The three layers are always available all the time regardless of what is happening on any other layer.
As always, check the manual for further clarification.
Ok it’s a matter of semantics then. I see what you mean and I do think it’s worth clarifying how flex machines and recording buffers work. If you had said something like ‘static machines can never record’ I would agree with you because static machines have nothing to do with recording [buffers]. Every time I record samples I do it through a flex machine. I think it’s worth clarifying that you can use flex machines for recording samples through a recording buffer.
The way I think of it is that it’s called the Octatrack and we think that’s because it has eight tracks. But it also has eight recorders, and it reuses the same buttons sometimes to control both, leading to a perception that tracks and recorders are the same. But I agree with the above, they really are mostly unrelated. Except there are eight of each, and they share buttons for some functions.
It’s not a matter of semantics. The tracks recorder , and there are 8 of them, record into the buffer. Flex machines are for audio playback and audio processing, they use a set amount of ram. Static machines are for audio playback as well but they stream from the CF card.
What @Microtribe is explaining is that you have 8 track recorders which are separate from flex machines and static machines. Set track 8 to master and you can still use track 8s recorder, and play it back via a flex machine on track 2 if you want.
Assume the lotus and grok the machine, you havnt understood some crucial concepts of the Octatrack.
I am more ignorant of how the OT works than I thought. Back to the drawing board. Thanks for steering my in the right direction, I didn’t mean to waste your time.
Because the Static machine streams directly from the CF card.
Its not like that at all. @Microtribe is like the guy on the street corner with the The End Is Nigh! sign, but his particular brand of soothsaying is to enlighten folks about the 8 track recorders being separate from Static and Flex machines. once it clicks its pretty awesome.
you can record with any tracks recorder at anytime.
Flex and Static are for playback of audio. Each flavor has its own benefits. And youre not wrong, you cant playback audio directly from the buffer with a Static Machine but that doesnt mean that you cant record audio into the buffer when you have a static machine designated to the track.
Also, Welcome to the Community, @Quais!
Welcome @Quais.
I’ll add Recorders and Flex concept come from the Machinedrum, with its RAM REC and RAM PLAY machines, which are on different tracks.
Recorders and Flex can be on the same track, but there is no direct relationship between them.
Recording buffers can be played on any step of any Flex track.
Flex are also flexible because they read RAM and have a faster access to start or slice values when you modulate them, where Static can be clicky.