I tried a few times as well as I keep seeing his name pop up, he’s obviously very talented but the music just isn’t for me.
Happy about Four Tet though, I hope he’s able to endure the huge exposition he’s getting.
Can’t say I have loved anything Eno has done in the last 20-30 years, TBH. And that is after being a huge fan of his seminal works in the 70s/early 80s.
Aren’t his parents like loaded beyond belief with money and friends with brian eno?
Yeah sure his ‘talent’ brought him here!
For those in the UK the BBC is showing Fred’s set from Glastonbury tonight. Showing as 9pm on BBC3 & iPlayer.
The episode of Jamie Lidell’s podcast featuring Fred Again was pretty interesting. Not my fave one but definitely interesting.
I had ignored Fred Again until last night, Youtube recommended me this boiler room set and I watched it start to end in my music room with the speakers up. I love the UK bass and jungle sound going on here so to me this was just endless fun to watch.
In my 20s I made a point of ignoring anything that was introduced to me through mainstream channels, and afterwards found a few bands that I actually really loved and wished I hadn’t ignored… so if you are ignoring Fred simply because he’s popular right now I’d suggest giving this boiler room a chance. Maybe you’re not gonna like it, taste is subjective…
I think he’s fine as a DJ, but as an artist I find his music to be insufferably corny and preening…borderline Coldplay bad. I wish I could find the cult of personality around him surprising, but it’s not.
You don’t have to like the music, but hating on him for his lucky background is cringe. Also, I challenge anyone to perfectly execute a loop performance like his tiny desk concert. Soo much talent!
It’s not a cult of personality.
People just like his music.
People describe his tiny desk concert as being “like a spiritual experience”. That’s a top comment on his Boiler Room Youtube.
There’s liking someone’s music and then there’s tens of millions of fans who describe your mediocre electronic music in superlatives typically reserved for out of body experiences.
I’m one of those people. That Tiny desk is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard. To each their own but some of us absolutely love the music.
That’s their subjective opinion it’s not for you to negate it.
I was introduced to it by a friend who is a DJ who said it was the best set he’d ever seen. Plenty of people seem to feel the same way.
When I first heard it I had no idea who he was and thought it was brilliant.
This comment says more about you than it does about Fred.
Not one of us knows how much his family / parents helped him; don’t assume anything.
He also started working with Eno at the age of 16 and I guarantee Eno saw something in him then to give him that opportunity. I know that when I was 16 Eno wouldn’t have given a damn about me, family or not. I wasn’t developed musically at all.
Fred has clearly put in the time and effort to develop his music, aesthetic and visuals. He is an artist. I’m a huge fan, regardless of his family background.
Again your comment doubting his talent says more about your own feelings about yourself than it does about Fred. Put time into yourself instead of putting other people down publicly.
Yea, he’s became both a bore and boorish I’m afraid… he should of went into academia.
Au contraire!
Lol …like i care about the nepo guy or his poor music!
I notice from Fred’s Glastonbury set that he’s ditched the Maschine+ for an MPC Live II.
Also great to see him focusing on putting it together live and plenty of singing, rather than calling in a DJ set.
Think I caught a glimpse of an Erae Touch too when he was playing Pull Me Out Of This.
The Glasto set was pure joy. What is cool for me, whether you like or dislike his tunes, is just look at the age range in there. Kids on their parents shoulders, 50 year olds giving it full beans down the front. That’s just awesome in all sorts of ways, so good on him. The new one was nice too, and was cool to see the callback to Billie Ray Martin still in the set (figured he’d drop that one by now.) He gave a bit of everything, from the Boiler room vibes on the MPC to hitting a piano type stuff from his tiny desk gig. A nice mix.
I also clocked the MPC thing that @dshipp mentions (maybe Maschine is more of a writing thing?), plus a big plug for Novation with 2 Launchkey MK3’s in there as part of his main setup.
I can’t believe Actual Life 3 only received a 5.9 on pitchfork. The reviewer must have their head in the sand. Don’t they recognize how talented the man is?
It’s pitchfork.
They don’t know shit
Or “potent”