It’s sad but people in the media really don’t like him on a personal level because of his background and his family - I read a review of him from some journalist in a newspaper and they just slated him because of there own prejudices - it’s sad but I shouldn’t have been surprised given the standard of today’s journalists
What’s his background and who’s his family?
Edit: nevermind, just looked it up. Interesting!
That’s the class system though.
I’m naturally inclined to dislike anyone from such a background, largely because of the conditioning afforded me by my working class upbringing. It ain’t logical, but it is what it is.
Then if you factor in the fact that Police and the media at large are consistently and systematically trying to demonise and outlaw young black and working class musicians, while people like Fred get awards riffing on black music tropes, I can definitely understand why some would feel resentful.
Obviously Fred isn’t the problem, he’s just someone doing what he loves and getting recognition for it. It’s not my cup of tea, but fair play to the guy.
There are plenty of things to be mad about regarding the class system and culture in the UK, but disliking a particular artist instead of the centuries old entrenched system of privilege is intellectually lazy and peak 2020’s.
But then again most journalists are posh fuckers as well…
Media is typically hypercritical on the upbringing of artists, not always musicians. Perhaps what he makes falls further on the side of the line towards art than music. Elektronauts is a fairly broadminded place, enjoying music as “most things related to art of sound”, media does not always paint with such broad strokes.
Sounds like music to me but my ears don’t really matter.
You make some good points man - the British class system sucks - and it is true that the higher up the ladder you are the more opportunities and access you will get - and for sure it is massively unfair how some artists get treated by the police and media (intimidation - show’s being shut down due to Trident) - but I feel when it comes to music and self expression I feel you should be judged on that and that only - is the music good ? And to be fair I am a fan of Fred less so for his recorded music and more so for his live performances - I can’t lie I really feel he is genuinely trying to speak through his performances - and I respect that as someone who would love to be able to perform on that level
Sadly this is literally the playbook for 95% of people these days. Hate just to hate, usually projected from their own insecurities, and unfortunately a lot of really insecure people happen to have large audiences who share their self-hate.
Thing about Fred is, no matter what his background is, he makes music that people connect to on an emotional level, and thats all that matters. Some people just can’t accept that lol
Fred had it ruff, trying to be recognized by is unprivileged peers, has a privileged child. Just like a unpriveled dude trying to “climb the ladder”. I wonder what kind of shit would King Charles get in the underground dance music scene of he suddenly wanted to be a dj. " Look at him, he bought 4 cdjs 3000 and had dj classes with Jeff Miles, pff, that was eazy" .
I don’t think it’s about where you come from, but where you decide to go to, being you a former baron, King, street kid or whatever fits the stereotyped upbringing of an artist, innit?
Cared enough to come bother people.
Cared about bringing up the other side of the story related to the nepo guy’s ‘success’
This is the sad truth - this is something not everybody can do and no matter how much money you have or how much of a privileged background you have come from you cant by love or an emotional connection with people you are either real and honest or you are not !!!
Correction, they don’t like shit because they’re a bunch of edge lords.
didnt even realize he produces anything, i thought it was his butler.
Unless you’re into more underground scenes and genres i guarantee you’re enjoying and listening to more than a few peeps who’ve been pushed by some kind of privilege to get noticed. It’s such a widespread reality nowadays you’d have to be quite picky to avoid it.
If you attribute all of his success to nepotism you also infer that the mass audience that has adopted him has been fed without knowing what tastes good pretty much.
It’s really just the usual story, talented artist got pushed by more than luck, and it’s been the case since forever so… why argue really.
A huge percentage of musicians are from privileged backgrounds because otherwise you have to get a job or live in poverty.
That doesn’t change that Fred is a massive talent who has had to work for what he’s achieved.
The tragedy is that others didn’t get a shot, not that he got a shot and knocked it out of the park.
I’m not denying his popularity, how could I?
But what helped him become this popular besides the money is his relative talent combined with a shitty taste and mediocre artistic output that attracts masses (…of kids) you’re talking about = majority of such popular artists are products of this same recipe (something I can’t respect, how could i?); i mean, we’re not talking about autechre here ffs!
Never listened to the dude but who cares! You like his music, awesome! You don’t like his music, awesome! Anything past that is wasting your precious time!
Not directed at anyone FYI! Topic took a weird turn!
I don’t share this point of view, few people do.
Enjoy what you wish
Literally everyone has a shot today. There are zero barriers. Koala sampler costs $4 and it costs nothing to upload to SoundCloud, YouTube or Spotify.
Omar S made it to where he is today working a full time job at a Ford motor plant. The “disadvantaged” excuse is so cringe….