I know there are topics on general ‘what are you reading’, and a comics/graphic novel one, so hopefully there is some space for this.
I’m interested to see what people do and don’t enjoy in these genre’s. Do you like the vintage stuff? the more modern? Which authors are culturally important that you don’t get on with, and who is underrated? etc
To kick things off, here is some brief recent notes from reading in this field.
I used to enjoy, although not on a fanatical level, reading some ‘epic fantasy’ stuff (mostly more modern). Stuff like Brandon Sanderson, Stephen King’s dark tower series, a couple of the Wheel of Time/Malazan books, etc. After some years out of it I suddenly had a craving to try reading one of these epic series again, and after some research, I tried out:
John Gwynne - Valour
I read 90% of the way through this, and in the end it just fell down on what I was worried might happen… terrible, uneconomic writing and clunky plotting. I’m no book editor (although I do draft/oversea drafting of letters for a living), but I think I could easily edit this down to a 1/3 of it’s size. I don’t mind reading within tropes (because otherwise I wouldn’t be anywhere near making this Topic), but nah… not enough to engage me, or inspire me to continue with the series.
After this, I thought i’d read a ‘minor’ Stephen King novel in the fantasy ballpark
Stephen King - Eye’s of the Dragon
This is hard done by to be such a little spoken about King book. It’s quite simple, and I guess a YA book at the core, but it’s just a perfectly told fairytale/arthurian legend influenced type story, riffing on fairy tales you know and sprinkling in just enough details and twists to make it fully engaging. Quality
Now for SF. My ADHD hyperfocus went into overdrive and I did loads/too much research into ‘vintage’ SF, and bought quite a lot of used old books on ebay. I’ve been dipping in and it’s been a very mixed bag, which just a couple of successes.
Stenislaw Lem - Solaris
Brilliant book. Had fancied reading it for years, but my perception of what it would be like has been coloured by a a weird experience, where I went to a screening of the original Solaris film (presented on film), at a point where I don’t think my tastes were mature enough for it, and then after what seemed like a very long 45 mins, the film actually set on fire. They were going to fix it, but I didn’t stick around.
Maybe it’s best I waiting until I was nearly 40 - I could definitely it appreciate now.
Thomas M. Disch - The Genocides
Similar in theme to Day of the Triffids, based on what I know of that. Really dark and interesting book, that just took its premise way too far. Lots of ideas, but not much characters. Very interesting but wouldn’t recommend it unless someone was massively into the genre.
The failures have been a couple of Robert Silverberg books, which is frustrating given how much praise I’ve seen for him, and Brian Aldiss’s Hothouse, which was just leaving me cringing after about 10 pages. Not sure why… I just found it very silly and hard to engage with.
I’ll stop waffling now… maybe this won’t come as a surprise, but I don’t have any friends actually interested in even reading stuff like this, let alone discussing it