Pbbly a stupid question but just in case :
I’d like my 8th track mastertrack to be the same on each Part of the machine, so that i can adjust live accordingly and not reparameter it each time the part changes… so basically have the option to ‘disconnect’ master track from parts…
I checked all recent updates and it doesnt seem to be possible, but i might have missed something…
One possible workaround (untested) to do what you want is to set your T8 master parameters how you want them, then assign a scene to modify the parameters you want to modify, then use copy to copy your T8 parameter pages to all of your parts, and copy the scene to all the parts. Then as long as you have this scene as active for all parts, changing parts will have the same parameters and settings. It depends of course on the scenario you are using but it might do the job? Just remember to make sure that when you change patterns to put the fader where you want it on the T8 scene, then when you change pattern the T8 parameters should stay the same. It means losing a scene when doing pattern changes but should be fairly easy to keep track of things.
…best is always, same as with computer daws, create ur own blank status…one project, that includes nothing but some essential basics u always need anyway and u always start a new project from there…
so, a project where u know u’ll end up with master track, make sure all four parts in all banks got that already set up the way u want it…take always scene 16 for example, drop a compressor and a freeze delay there, copy that setting into all parts and all banks…once and for all and forever…there u go…
Thank you Darenager, this should indeed do the job to have the parts conssitent with each other, but if I make extensive use of the Scenes I might mix things up and recall different master compression settings which could have rather dramatic results given the OT is the last piece of gear before the sound system
thanks Reeloy, I completely get this best practise, the thing is that even after several years of use I still don’t have fixed settings in the mixer menu, I don’t really master this part, so I think I’ll go for copying the same Master track with my final brickwall limiter to all my Parts and tweak in the mixer menu instead… Now I need to master this tricky volume chain more investigation in this forum to go :))
…best is always, same as with computer daws, create ur own blank status…one project, that includes nothing but some essential basics u always need anyway and u always start a new project from there…
so, a project where u know u’ll end up with master track, make sure all four parts in all banks got that already set up the way u want it…take always scene 16 for example, drop a compressor and a freeze delay there, copy that setting into all parts and all banks…once and for all and forever…there u go…
It’s a workaround but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a master track, no? I’m interested because I encountered the same limitation. If I just want two static global effects, I’d rather use an external processor. The interesting part of a master track is messing the whole output up with LFO’s and whatever else there’s is to be modded and indeed it would be interesting to change parts when everyting is really messed up on the master track and then go on from there. You’re workaround is functional, but static. If you don’t know beforehand in which state your mastertrack FX will be (because you’re performing live) it will not be very efficient.
We should, indeed. And while we’re at it, I would want to have the T8 status defined PER BANK, not project-wide.
EDIT: and a last suggestion for the MT: a bypass function. (=audio through unaltered)
The idea of having the scene was to be able to reset master track when switching parts, if you wanted the master track settings to persist between changing parts then no it would not really work, I guess I misunderstood the requirement.
Yes I think so. I believe the requirement is what we call on many live digital mixers an “isolate” function. It’s an important function that hasn’t penetrated the Elektron world yet. On the DN for example, not being able to “isolate” the external inputs, means you have to reset them each time we change patterns because their input levels are saved with the pattern and by default are set to zero, both channels centered. I was very happy when I discovered that the OT’s mixer settings are actually project wide.