I’m trying to take my Elektron’s away from my desk (screen is always on and it’s my working space as well, just doesn’t feel cozy / inspiring).
I run my OT into Ableton where a simple Glue Compressor and Limiter (stock plugins, sometimes Pro-C from FabFilter) are boosting the signal a bit but more important; really improves the Oomph and thickness.
Is there a relatively cheap hardware solution you’d recommend to fill this roll? Analog Heat would be overkill, since the Stock Glue Compressor is doing so much for the sound already.
I’ve tried with the OT compressor on the Master, but I never got similar results. I’m using a filter and delay now for scenes.
Cheap? No, there isn’t.
But there are lot of compressors on the market: the cheapest would be the ehx platform, but it completely smash all the frequency above 20khz or so…
Seeing the Ableton one is mapped on the SSL Bus Compressor… It is indeed not inexpensive thanks for the suggestion, will check it out. Get’s a lot of good reviews on Amazon.de
Hardware compressors and cheap rarely go hand in hand … but there are a couple of units out there under 1000 euro that are worth checking out . The FMR Audio RNC and Warm Audio Stereo Bus come to mind …
Yeah, sorry, I didn’t remember the exact value and I used the wrong term (“around” not “above” was my intention) so i searched and I found it has an hi-cut at 15.5khz. So, in my opinion, is unusable at the end of the chain.
I got a RNC a year and a half ago for like €125/150 second hand, and I haven’t felt yet like needing something better. I might want to try a limiter at some point too - if I don’t try some Eurorack module, I’m sure I’ll go for the RNLA as I’m so happy with my RNC.
At the second hand prices I see on Reverb, buying a new one seems more than reasonable
Where I live (Spain), there are quite a few ones going on Wallapop for 160€/180€. At the moment none though.
I have a warm audio bus comp i really like it. I did a bunch of a/b’ing with Ableton’s glue compressor and they are very close. Cytomic did a very good job with glue imo.