Groc from Oddment Audio ( Granular Synth )


Polyphonic granular synth. Under development.


  • 1/8” headphone output
  • balanced stereo 1/8” analog audio input and output
  • 2 balanced stereo 1/8” analog control; each is configurable as either input or output
  • MIDI input and output
  • USB-C for power, multi-channel audio input / output, and MIDI input / output

Audio Formats

  • Transfer and use audio samples in common formats
  • Record new samples and loops at 48kHz / 24-bit in mono or stereo


  • Over 2GB of hand-crafted audio samples recorded at 96kHz
  • Over 1GB dedicated to store preset synthesis and effect patches
  • 2GB available for user storage of recorded or transferred samples and loops

Synthesis and Signal Processing

  • 12+ simultaneous voices
  • Custom granular sound engine with oversampling for high-quality manipulation of time and pitch
    • The groc “time path”: adjust the playback speed independently in different note regions (attack, decay, sustain, release) to move through audio samples in new ways
    • Includes common granular synthesis parameters - size, shape, overlap (aka density), and position - but also controls to randomize or select pre-programmed patterns
    • Filtering and binaural spatialization at the grain level
    • Unique chordal, rhythmic, and arpeggiation features
  • Patch without limits! More than 16 easy-to access modulation sources and 100s of destinations. Modulate your modulator’s modulator, if you dare.
    • 4 LFOs with many shapes and unique controls
    • 3 ADSR envelopes, 1 time path
    • 4 analog control inputs
    • MIDI control inputs
  • Multi-mode resonant filters (low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop, low shelf, high shelf, all pass). Use 2 filters in series, parallel or split mode at up to 4 locations in the effect processing chain
  • Saturation, distortion, compression and limiting with state-of-the-art neural signal processing can be inserted in multiple places in the effect processing chain
  • 2 echo paths with series, parallel, split and ping-pong modes, including filters and saturation within the feedback loop to re-create warm tape echo or analog delay sounds
  • Harmonizer within the echo paths that can move between subtle chorus, wild re-pitched delays and beautiful shimmer reverb

I see that they will be at Superbooth.

Michigan based.

There are quite a few videos out already.

Notice the cool granular video effects.


I’m kind of delighted to see a) balanced outputs, and b) someone putting them on 1/8"

Is this a typo?

How might they be implementing this on a single jack?



Looks to be!

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Hello, is this Corg in disguise?


I was thinking a trademarkable “Grok”. **

I groc in fulness.

** The Martian word meaning ‘to drink’. ADDED : Also a children’s AI toy, i just discovered.


I’m a bit puzzled because “groc” means yellow in Catalan and this synth is kind of yellow. Or at least someone thought about picking a color that stands out from the rest of music gear.


Interesting to see more of how the various technologies gets used with the user interface.


Looks like they have the mono color blue illuminated shaft encoders at the moment. I know at least that Bourne makes these. Not sure if there are multicolor illuminated shaft encoders available ( ADDED : there are ) and if there is any thought of using such a thing.

Those together with the colored touch screen displays gives a lot of possibility for the interface. I’ve not seen any use of the touch screen shown in a video yet, my guess is it’s not fully implemented, but there is talk of being able to draw and modulate in the two dimensions.

There are certainly lots of encoder there, 18, and they all can be set to multiple functions.

Looks also that they are using the Raspberry Pi Compute Module with this as well. I hesitate to say this because it seems to set some folk in this forum off, as it did when Korg used them, but It’s cost effective and practical to leverage this powerful technology in a design.

Looking forward to seeing this at Superbooth, toward the end of May.

whoa thats very cool

i especially like all of the spatial considerations, the dual echos, the filters and saturation that can be placed at multiple points on the signal path and the harmonizer. thats what i want to see in my granular, even sampler hardware. unique ways to enhance the sounds your forming or deconstructing into something musical and interesting. nice work

also the sound in the video demo is very good

i didnt like the gui at first, but now it reminds me of the kilohearts plugins, which i like very much. and that svf is very nice

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USB power and minijack I/O wouldn’t be ideal for a lot of users imo

The description here is a little vague, no sense giving away all the secrets so early, but i like the idea if this means “playing notes” from shifting granular material. ( While still being able to do ambient granular stuff too. )

Also looking at the time line of the development so far, this looks quite early and still fluid with the hardware design. Would make sense for them to take feedback at Superbooth, and lock down hardware design after that, and maybe target end of '24 for release.

Oh, I didn’t even check — I assumed that they had separate L and R jacks. Technically, TRRRS 1/8" jacks do exist and you could have stereo balanced audio on a minijack, but they’re very rare.

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Looks nice, I wonder what price it will have.

Indeed, that’s why I mentioned it.

I mean, either it’s a typo, or you’re going to need a specialty cable… Not ideal.

If I were a betting man, I’d say it’s a typo.

I suppose it’s possible that they don’t know the difference, but that seems unlikely for anyone capable of bringing an instrument like this to fruition.

Anyway, I’ve got no vested interest in this box, that detail just caught my attention.


New Videos :

I really like the sounds in the first video. I think the second is to show some improvements in the UI.

I like that they’ve got the stuff to just show it raw like this without the skins.


Lovely :slight_smile: keeping an eye on this one.

They are adding a barrel connector as an alternative to supplying power over USB-C in their next prototype circuit board.

This is confirmed as the target release date.

Also they are giving the external control signal ports each a separate connector, or may keep them TSR connectors and go to 8 input / output signal ports.

Work continues.


A couple more demo videos.

First off notice the rework of the enclosures.

This video is labeled:
Groc - from train announcement to wavetable synth

This one looks at some basic controls on the granular engine. Shows the clarity and quality possible with their algorithms.

They report they are having good success with their development, and have hired another on to their team. They are building units for the beta testing that will start in July.

The two founders are headed with Groc to Superbooth ( thread ), where they will no doubt be picking up a little more notice.


I really like the color and design. It’s also small and can fit on my desk easily with all the other stuff. Definitely keeping an eye on this.

I must add I wish the usb cable was black or yellow…

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