[…] available for purchase soon. The Micro is intended for (but not limited to) the amazing Warbl wind controller. […] we designed the Micro as a more compact and less expensive solution for use with the Warbl.
Judging by its size, it looks like the engine part of the ContinuuMini and, depending on connectivity, could be an interesting option for other expressive controllers such as the Linnstrument.
Update: apparently, according to a post in the relevant FB group, it will come without CV connectivity.
Huh. I have a Linnstrument that I really like, and an Erae II coming. I was thinking about getting an Osmose, but this might make more sense. It would also got nicely into the capability hole left behind by the Aodyo Omega that’s no longer coming.
…although if it’s the same as the eurorack, which I assume it is, it looks like it’s much more limited polyphony than the full-sized ones. That’s a real shame — it would be nice to get a full-fat version in module form.
Interested to know price on the micro… assuming it’s the mini without playing surface there’ll be no built in usb host, though a boy can dream on that…
It might be possible to use the Electra One on other Continuum using 10.40. The reason only Slim is mentioned is that they were the only one using fw 10.35+ before 10.40 was released to everyone.
Don’t get your hopes up too high because Continuumini requires a guaranteed 5v output. Chances are that the Micro will be similarly greedy. There are workarounds nonetheless, eg with a USB Y splitter cable, etc.
its a bit of a strange one …
as its usb device only (no usb host nor midi din/trs)
this means you’ll need to use it with a computer or another usb host. i.e. also another ‘box’
(w/ sufficient power over usb)
depending on price, I might grab one… but Im not really sure of a good use-case for it.
sure… its nice, small/portable, but its not really self contained if you need another ‘thing’ to connect it to a surface. but Im sure I can interface it with something to bridge it (teensy/arduino/pi or my E1?)
that said, I have an EMM, which I can just plug things like the Erae Touch into directly.
not 100%, but I believe its the continuumini without the surface.
I think it was created as a few had asked for something like this for diy/custom instruments.
(I believe one was shown using it at continucon)
I suspect its a case of, sure, its easy enough to do… why not, rather than seeking out a market / use-case.
edit: oh, I see Warbl was mentioned already
ofc, they may have change things up.
e.g. the ext, which is for a pedal or to connect to the cvc, is basically serial.
so they may have updated that to allow for TRS midi too, but we have no word on that.
anyway, I think its pretty close to release, so we will get the specs then.
for me, it’ll come down to price… I think sub $150 its attractive, above $200, not so sure.
again, no idea on price… but Im thinking $200?
I thought the mini and emm were a bit pricey… so I think this won’t be v. cheap. ( * )
( * ) ok, in fairness, with all these things, they fund the continual firmware, software devlopment and support costs for haken… not just hardware, so its actually ‘reasonable’ really.
many MCUs have usb host support, so that’d not be an issue.
those then still have serial (din/trs) and usb device too.
the key thing is, the Micro has to have USB device support since you need to connect it to a computer (host) to program the eagan matrix (editor).
(as well as ofc, you need power from a host… unless you have a separate power source)
but the main assumption here, and that I understand is - this is a bit of a spin off of the Mini, which only has usb device support.
also even with the pre-release pictures… there doesn’t look like space (nor labels) for a trs jack, or usb on the opposite side. (to ext/headphones, and we assume micro usb port)
again… until we see release specs, we dont know for sure, so Im mainly managing my own expectations