Hello. Total noob there… ok not total but have some lack of knowledge. Recently bought Digitakt. Watched some helpful tutorials like True Cuckoo megatutorial on Digitakt and Bobeats tutorials aswell. So first musical ideas came up while was and still learning, and now I need to record them. I use Fl Studio 20. Downloaded and instaled Overbridge. Does anyone can help me and tell step by step what to do next? How properly connect Digitakt to computer, I use usb cable for that purpose, how to set up Fl Studio in that way to get those 8 different tracks playing and recording as individual tracks in Fl Studio? Was searching for info on internet but nothing I need was able to found. Sorry for my broken english…
welcome to the community!
Have a look at the overbridge 2.0 PDF manual - it is available on the elektron website in the support section. It has detailed instructions on how to set OB up. The first steps are the same for all, independent of which DAW you use.
after you have done all that:
In FL studio you have to load the DT plugin and should be able to route the tracks from there… have never used FL tho…
how it works in other daws: you create a new audiotrack and once the plugin is loaded (only 1 plugin) you can set the source of the audiotrack to the dt track you want… in the ob pdf this is also described for ableton and maybe helps…
option: (wihout ob)
you could also record the main out via the new class compliant usb feature, where the DT acts as the audiointerface of you daw/computer…
Thanks! Forward to read the manual
Definitely read the manual and read here and read on the FL forums for everything about midi and audio over usb. I have moved to Bitwig Studio and currently playing with Renoise. All of them are great tools. Some strengths and weaknesses to each.
Here is a thread we started when OB was in beta and there wasn’t a lot of FL specific information. Hopefully it will put you on the right path.
Enjoy and don’t forget to share what you learn