How to send P-Locked note CC values?

Hello, I hope you’re doing great if you’re reading this, the days are starting to grow faster and faster in the northern hemisphere, and that’s a relief to see the face of the sun after 6PM once again.

Anyway I want to use CC Out on my model cycles, however the only thing that seems to work is when I move an encoder or press the back key reverting the encoder to the last position.

When playing the note, it doesn’t send anything, which is quite annoying and frustrating.

How to send P-Locked note CC values ?

I tried analyzing the sysex a while ago and it seemed like it would be easy to detect that however it can’t be done live and it would take a lot of time to do so.

Thank you,
Kind Regards,
Wish you the best,
With all my sincerity,

I just saw this post :

Which claims it isn’t possible on the MC

Last update on the subject,

I have found a workaround thanks to user @guga, I post it here in case anyone needs it even though I’m aware it’s probably very very niche.

If you don’t use velocity param, you can use it as a workaround to manage P-Lock.
You can use all 126 remaining velocity values (100 and 0 are reserved for non-plock note on and note off) to specify a P-Lock value.

You have to set VDep to 0 in pad menu
You can have 126 different custom P-Lock midi send per track.
You need a way of reading them
It costs you the usage of velocity.

Happy February,


Thanks for this thread. I was super excited to control my Moog with my M:C. Not being able to sequence P-locks for CC values is disappointing.