Huge free Nord Drum 3 sample pack

I put together this 500+ sample pack and I wanted to share it with you all!

I’ve learned a ton from this community, so plz consider it as a token of appreciation. Now go make some weird music with these :grin:

All samples were recorded through a fancy tube pre-amp (some have a little tube gain added when I thought it served). This basically comprises all of my favorite sounds from the Nord Drum 3. Most are versions of the factory patches. As you’ll see, this thing has some incredible depth, most surprisingly in the melodic area.

I’d love to hear what you make with these, so send your tracks my way! Oh and plz no reselling. Free for a reason.

Lastly, (cuz I feel like I might be asked) here’s my PayPal in case you wanna buy me a coffee. No pressure!

Edit: these samples are stereo 24bit/48kHz. As @Tajnost says below, you can convert them to 16/44.1 to save space!


Hey thanks so much.
Gonna fire this into the DT later.

Much appreciated

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thank you!


Heck yeah have fun!

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No prob! Enjoy!

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Damn dude thanks alot!
Great sounds in here for sure :slight_smile:

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Sending you a coffee now.

These samples are amazing. Exactly what I needed. Thanks again :blue_heart:

I’m so glad to hear that!!
And thanks so much for the coffee :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Looking forward to adding these to the collection, thank you very much. Will send you coin for a coffee. :slight_smile:

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No prob! Happy to share some good sounds.
Much appreciate the coffee tokens haha :coffee:


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Very nice dude, many thanks. Maybe this will put off my Nord Drum GAS for a little longer (or make it worse, who knows :laughing:)


Lolll yeah it really could go either way

Many thanks :+1:

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Thank you.
Really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
The Nord Drum always appealed me, now it’s a good gateway to it :slight_smile:

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Thank you.

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Sounds wonderful! This will be great Rytm and MPC fodder :exploding_head:
Thanks a lot! :pray:

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Heck yeah! Have fun! And send me your tracks if you end up using them – I’d love to hear em


This is incredibly generous of you. These are great!!! Thank you :pray:t2:

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