One of my favorite things (only available on the HSK) is to combine a whole set of features at the same time with the arpeggiator.
First select a polyphonic voice, or better create one. You perhaps want to put the Ribbon into Theremin Mode.
Then create a chord. There are lots of choices, where you pitch it, whether it’s tightly clustered or spread, and whether you duplicate notes across the keyboard or pick notes more at random. Don’t worry about specific chords though for this, that’s not important for this trick. Note: As long as you continue to hold the Chord Key down you can press the Octave DOWN and UP.
Turn the Arpeggiator ON. (The ‘ON’ button will be bright.) Put the Arpeggiator in LATCH mode. (The ‘LATCH’ button will be bright.)
On Voice, Page 3 select a Scale, or create a Custom one. (There are some tricks with Custom scales, which i won’t go into here.) Then select a Key. This is a good screen to leave up, or go back to later, it’s interesting to change Key and Scale with the Arpeggiator running.
If you are using the Theremin with this, set a Key and Scale for it on Ribbon page 2, and usually set Quantize on Ribbon Page 1 #5. (Quantize OFF can be weird-nice too.) Whether you pick the same Scale and Key as with Voice is up to you, bi-tonality is cool too.
Enter your sequence into the arpeggiator from the keyboard. As long as you contine to hold one note down, every note you play is added in order to the sequence. During this you can move Octave UP and DOWN, as long as you continue to hold one note down.
This arpeggiator sequence is then played with the Chord shape you entered, but it’s going through the tonality you set in the Voice. We stay in the Key and Tonality you have selected. Don’t worry (joke) there are only 37 scales to choose from, plus many, many Custom scale options.
Now play with the arpeggiator and filter knobs, (BTW: This is when it’s nice that there is a separate set of knobs for each.) Going between Order and Random is nice especially if you put a particularly long sequence in the arpeggiator. Obviously you can change tempo at will.
Changing oscillators is nice here too. Sometimes i move across Waves with a slow, slow LFO, or with a Expression Pedal or the CV in.
Go back and change the Key or Scale in either the Voice or Theremin screens.
Sometimes its nice to toggle the Chord button, and take the played sequence in and out of Chord mode. Don’t worry, it remembers the Chord you entered even when you are not in Chord Mode, and restarts it when you reenter Chord Mode.
But a warning about entering a new Chord Shape, it seems, at least so far for me, to wipe the arpeggiator sequence.
I found a way around this though with an Interesting Oddity: The arpeggiator continues to run and make noise, after a brief silent gap, after you enter Local OFF mode. I’m not sure on whether this is intended, but it’s there. With Local OFF you can’t change the arpeggiator sequence – which is nice protection, but the Chord button continues to function, and in fact you can enter new Chords to a nice effect. The rest of the controls continue to work too.
I can amuse myself with all this for hours.
Sorry for this “Too Much Information Post”. It’s really hard to avoid – this is life in the Hydrasynth. Be Water.