Hydrasynth Program Change from Octatrack

Hello, is anybody able to describe a reliable way to send program change messages to Hydrasynth?
I found one comment about sending CC 32, but it does not tell how to do it and it did not work when I tried, also I can not find it any more here, too many results with different content.

I just want to have Hydrasynth patch numbers coded into Octatrack midi tracks. I know the part parameters should trigger on flipping to a new part, but it does not do what i expect… sometimes it just seems to use some random sound bank, the program number does seem to do anything at all.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Use SBANK (sub bank).
(BANK is ignored from what I read)

Yes, I use it, but it does not work in the expected way. Do you have a Hydrasynth and can describe how using it works for you? Thanks!

I don’t have the HS (E) anymore.

I’d use a pattern A with part 1, SBANK 0, program change X

And pattern B with part 2,
SBANK 1, program change Y

You can also ask in HS thread…

@PeterHanes post below was before SBANK implementation.

Ah, yes, that is the post, thanks! But I do not understand how to implement that exactly. How to send something “before” a program change message is sent by OT?

I am selecting a SBANK but Program change value does nothing then.

Currently I would like to know, if anybody has that combination of Octatrack / Hydrasynth actually working and can confirm that it should work, so I can better understand if there is some problem with one of my hardware components. HS acts definitely wired to the program change messages and does not what would be expected. I will test with different hardware / software etc. on this weekend probably, but a confirmation of anybody who has OT+HS would be great!

Is it OK to crosspost to that HS thread or is there any mechanism that the forum admin / mod could utilize to make my post available there?

Thanks again for your precious attention, very appreciated!

I think you can post in both, it can help OT and HS users.

Are you sure of that ?
It requires a part change to be sent , or if you change it manually.

That’s why I suggested to make 2 distinctive patterns with their own parts, SBANK and PC settings.

Do PC work without SBANK ?
It should. If not, check midi channels and PC receive enabling on HS…

A midi monitor can help…