I wanna hear your digitakt songs! c:

I’m really curious to hear anything yall have produced on the digitakt. If you have tracks that used primarily or exclusivly digitakt.

I just got my tax money and i’m ready to buy it! After a year of obsessing over it hehehehe

I wanna get into making music like John Maus or Geneva Jaccuzi or the like…

Digitakt is great, try it out first if you can but the basic use is very intuitive. I think you’ll enjoy this thread, it’s exactly what you’re looking for and you can get stuck in there for hours if you have the time!


ah awesome! thanks for linking this up :slight_smile:

No problem, do you have a store near you that carries Elektron products or will you have to buy it just based on the info you get online?

just based on the info i got online… guitarcenter would have to ship it to me or one of their locations. I’m probably gonna order it on amazon since it’s next day delivery.

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Amazon is good because they have a great return policy, the price will be about average but that’s just to be expected. And do you know that you want a sampler groovebox as opposed to something that’s more of a synth groovebox like the Syntakt?

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That’s a good question. I like how experimental the digitakt can get, and the idea of manipulating my own samples. For some reason i got obsessed with the digitakt- watching tutorials and jams on youtube for the past year. That’s something to think about tho!


Well, I’m only asking because a sampler is a little different in the workflow and ultimately the approach to using it, the results can be phenomenal but some people get tired of the curating samples or feel like it lacks some of the synth elements that they were looking for. You can definitely use samples as sound sources and use like, single cycle waveforms. You can also tweak sounds pretty excessively and the sequencer and all it’s abilities are, of course, great but at the end of the day it is a sampler.

Of course if you decide you don’t like it, the return policy is a nice thing to have (and at no point have I ever thought to myself wow I wish I never bought a digitakt) but it’s worth considering that syntakt has 12 tracks, is also pretty easy to use, and has elements of a synth groovebox while still using the Elektron style workflow and sequencer.

The more research you do the better prepared you will be, but sometimes you have to go with your instincts. Anyways, enjoy that thread, lots of interesting stuff posted, and if you look at the newer posts you’ll see more of the current feature set like machines (and in some cases song mode).


out of curiosity, which machine- syntakt vs digitakt- would be best for creating a john maus/ariel pink/early grimes sound?

youre getting a digitakt. Thats a stoke.
I say “Good Job!”


Well, neither machine has polyphony so that’s something you would have to work around. I think it depends on the material you’re talking about though, because syntakt can definitely approach some of the synthy wobble you hear in the john maus stuff (probably more simply than digitakt) but it doesn’t have the big poly synth chords so you would be stuck with either using the chord machine or doing some kind of midi loopback, but I think the ariel pink sound has a lot of sample manipulation and heavy reverb and of course digitakt is going to be better for that. I’ve seen grimes use both a sampler and I think something like an alesis micron in her stage show so it would sort of be a mix of the 2.

Basically, sampling can kind of do a little bit of anything because it can take other sound sources as recordings and play them back, but for real time manipulation using something with oscillators is fundamentally different than tweaking samples.

Digitakt is a good starting point for learning Elektron devices, but if you want synth sounds specifically and the ability to really tweak them, it’s probably going to be a little less malleable in that regard.

Digitone does have polyphony, but it’s not as straight forward of a machine and just speaking as a generality, fm synthesis also has a pretty distinct sound. Just thought I’d put that out there though. I like my digitone a lot but it takes a bit more work maybe? I dunno, depends on what you’re already used to.

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hey! pulled the trigger a couple nights ago after i posted the thread… was super anxious! hahahaha
messed around with the digitakt today and it’s fucking awesome! thought it was going to be a nightmare but it’s been so enjoyable. thank you again for your responses man!


topic reminded me about this channel. lots of inspiration from them :yellow_heart:

Hey, no problem and I’m glad you’ve been able to connect with it a little already! I’m sure that you can find your own sound in there and maybe one of these days you’ll find it a little midi companion that can help you dial in a nice balance between all the sounds you were looking to achieve.

I think now that you actually have it, one of the most important things to learn is how to use the sound pool so that you build all or most of your drums (or even other types of sounds) on one track. If you commit a single sound to a single track, you can burn up your tracks pretty quickly which is fine at first, but you’ll start to wonder how it happened so fast!

By using the sound pool, you can have a bunch of different sounds which you can place on different steps of the same track and the only limitation being the length of the sample, so if you start one before another ends, it will choke out the previous one. But you can even give them different effects and different tunings etc. This will also help you learn how parameter locking works, and that’s another important and powerful part of the sequencer.

Just thought I’d mention that, and if you need help with it, I know where a good write up of the process is so let me know when you’re ready. Oh and by the way congratulations, glad it’s inspiring you!


I don’t think anyone mentioned Almec on this forum, he’s doing great with the DT.
I hope he doesn’t mind if I put his name out:

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