Icons trig modes

the digitone2 display shows in the upper right on its right the bpm and on its left changing symbols depending maybe on trig modes. Is there a documentation about the possible icons (mostly blinking) which are shown at this place. Its not in the manual.

Definitely looks like it indicates the selected trig mode (3).

I assume that they’re going to look like this, but I don’t know for sure.

Tracks is definitely the same icon seen above, and the one that looks like a little target is obviously retrigs

but I don’t know about this one.

Could be preset pool, you’d have to lay down velocity and preset pool and figure out which icon is which.

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this one is keyboard


Perform Kit is a flashing P (flash alternates with whatever icon is already there)

Grid Record is an O (like the record button)

Mute Mode has its own symbol (speaker with a cross)

I didn’t spot any others. But every one of them is indicating that pressing a trig will do something different (aside from perform kit mode, the odd one out) even if it’s not one of the 4 in the ‘trig mode’ menu.

unfortunately the legend of 3 is not documented.

True, although given what @bibenu said and those pictures which i found, maybe with a few more images a legend can be compiled. It would be nice if one were provided in the manual though, seems like a pretty basic thing.