I’ve been running into an issue with the Bass Tom on my Rytm. Take the following scenario. Using default settings, I program in a four to the floor (1 5 9 13) pattern in on the BT.
I want to make more of a kick sound, so I tune the BT down to -15, and set the decay at 64. Everything sounds fine at this point. But say I want to switch it up. I put the BT on 1 4 7 9 13. Now steps 4 and 7 have lost some of their low end weight, and step 9 even more so.
Basically, having the BT decay go into the next step seems to change the next step, particularly when the BT is tuned low. If play around with tuning, you can run into even more dramatic examples. Can anyone give an explanation of what’s happening here? I can get around the issue or even use it to musical advantage, just curious as to what’s happening. It reminds me of issues I used to have making kicks on the A4.
^ Yep. Normal for analog. Just p-lock the decay to be shorter on notes that don’t get to ring out.
I guess it would make more sense if you there was a polyphony option or it just always cut any notes when a new one is hit, but then sometimes you would lose this occurrence when it’s useful.
Yeah to be clear I’m not complaining, more just curious about why this happens. I’m not having the same issue with long decays on the BD, for instance.
Has anyone noticed the bass tom sounds different (maybe “boomier”?) when you first power on the machine? Almost like the machine has to warm up before it goes back to the sound you had before you switched it off? I could be just imagining it…
This is expected in resonant circuits, like all the toms in the Analog Rytm. Shorter tails (even by p-locking it to a lower decay just before the next trig) should reduce it.
The resonant 808 BD does the same, but the 909 shouldn’t since it based on VCOs that reset at the trig and restart in the same fashion every time.
[quote=““Bobby Vosene””]
Has anyone noticed the bass tom sounds different (maybe “boomier”?) when you first power on the machine? Almost like the machine has to warm up before it goes back to the sound you had before you switched it off? I could be just imagining it…
This sounds possible. The pitch and decay of the toms are very sensitive to heat variations, and even if there is temperature compensation, nothing is perfect.
The machines are calibrated after 2 hours of warm-up time, so they will perform better at that temperature.
(Random or unnecessary calibrations not recommended.)
Hi I’d like to resurrect this thread bc I’m having sound inconsistencies with my BT (using it as a bass, rather than a drum). I’ve been watching some of glo phase’s work on youtube, and there doesn’t seem to be this issue with his BT sounds, so I’m wondering if there are setting suggestions anyone might have, or if it’s possible that certain batches of the rytm may have a problematic BT engine that causes this. I say batches because clearly other people haveing issues w BT consistency.
Edit: ok actually on closer inspection glo phase’s rytm has this happen as well. Any advice on designing bass sounds with BT engine still welcome
Ran into this as well. Desperately trying to initialize the patch or find some hidden LFO, before I found this reassuring thread
But I’d like to ask one thing. It works exactly as you are describing, but it also seems to happen randomly on some of the BT notes.
It seems impossible to predict exactly what note will be affected and when. On some loop repeats nothing happens at all.
I find the pads send velocity and aftertouch to some parameters, injecting “life” into all my playing. In theory, I should be able to turn all this off but I clearly haven’t found all the right menus yet.
Ahh I see. I’m 1 day new into the Rytm and couldn’t find where you edit velocity afterwards with P-locks either…
But in this case I actually used the step sequencer so that shouldn’t be a problem. The randomness of it is also a sign it has to do with something else.
Fair enough. I’m out of ideas. I have had mine about 6months and I still don’t feel fully in control of it. I don’t mind; not in a hurry and I like happy accidents.
Open sound menu [Func]+[Mute] on Mk1, scroll down to settings. There is velocity modulation and aftertouch. Each has up to four parameters for modulation. Turn all to zero if you don’t want any modulation when hitting the pads.
You can also turn velocity to volume off and there are other settings as well like if the filter env resets on each trig, chromatic play for synth, sample, synth+sample or no chromatic play.
Yeah, even if you clear a sound on a track, it will have aftertouch routed to filter freq by default.
The A4/AK also has default modulation. IIRC default is pitch bend, mod wheel controls vibrato and aftertouch controls filter. There might also be breath control routed to lfo by default, could be wrong, though.
All makes sense from a keyboard player‘s perspective, having these modulators available by default, but more often than not, I need very specific modulation, so after clearing a sound, I always zero out modulation at first.
I get that this is caused by the analog circuitry of the Bass Tom. But I’m just trying to understand if it’s also normal that it’s happening randomly? Some notes sound normal and then the next time changes tone, and then going back to normal.
Made a video to showcase what happens on my unit, with a cleared Kit.
(Watch out for higher volume in the end, added some distortion to make it more apparent!)
Thanks for the video! So, it seems to me that your issue is not about the BT, but about the HT, which uses a different machine, shared with the low and mid tom pads (XT classic). Yet, I do not really see what the problem is. To me, the sequence sounds fine. I think there might be an envelope issue. Have you tried to shorten the amp envelope (including setting HLD other than ‘auto’), and to reduce DEC and NOD of the machine?