Insert Effects

I wish Electron would use inserts on all new machines going forward. It’s 2025, I’m sure there is ample processing power available . Or maybe have 4 inserts available on an 8 channel instrument for instance.

Send effects are a pain when it comes to multitracking in a daw etcetera. Never had a machinedrum but all thos available physical outputs, must have been a Godsend also.


Are you sure Octatrack category is the best place to write this ? OT uses insert fx only. :wink:

There is a feature request thread for all Elektron machines.

Digi2s have BRR, Overdrive, SRR, Filters with routing options. Other insert fx would be welcome for sure.

On the contrary, OT lack fx sends, but there is a workaround with CUE send, record and playback CUE with insert fx.


Oops posted on wrong thread.

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Not entirely true. You could use the cue output and a thru machine for a send fix scenario

Edit: haven’t read @sezare56 post not properly. He already explained it

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Please read my post entirely. :content:
No cables needed. :wink:


Oops sorry. It’s too late to post on forums. I’m off to bed. You were absolutely right.

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Cue send / record from scratch: