I’m fairly new to the Digitone and have been primarily using it as a single MIDI track using the Overbridge plugin, and doing my sequencing within Ableton. Bear with me for my inexperience!
I would like to start using the Digitone sequencer, and then transferring whatever patterns I create into Ableton.
I checked out the Digitone template for Ableton here, which uses a single instance of overbridge in a MIDI track, and routes Digitone’s 4 tracks into 4 separate audio tracks in Ableton. (Overbridge FAQ, Tips & Tricks).
Is there a way to recreate that template, but using MIDI tracks instead of audio? Ideally, I’d like to have Digitone’s 4 tracks linked to 4 separate MIDI tracks. So I could both: A) create sequences/patterns on the Digitone sequencer, and have them show up as MIDI in Ableton, and B) sequence the Digitone’s 4 MIDI tracks in Ableton.
Is this possible? Screenshots are greatly appreciated if possible! Thank you so much.
You can use the midi tracks and the external instrument to have midi and audio on the same track. You could send the sequences if you want from ableton or use the Digitone sequencer.
My only remaining question (for now) is, can I create a sequence in the Digitone sequencer, and then bring that MIDI sequence into Ableton for further editing later? Or is my only option with using the Digitone sequencer to just record the audio into Ableton?
It’s sadly not possible to send the midi from the synth tracks/the sequence into ableton. The MIDI tracks are for sequencing external gear, you could use those tracks to send MIDI out into Ableton and use it sequence a VST/the stock synths for example.
I recommend creating a template for the DN that has all the tracks and etc set up so you can quickly drag it into a project, saving you time on setting things up!
Hi there, thanks for this. Can you elaborate on how I send it to ableton via a midi track? Is this done via USB, or through the MIDI out or MIDI thru? I’d really appreciate it!
You need to activate first midi out notes and cc in preferences over midi or usb (depends what you want) then on ableton preferences activate midi tab the midi notes and remote on the midi input of the digitone.
And last open a midi track and route midi in from the digitone and the midi channel you have on your digitone configured.