Please tell me how FX LFO’s can be used for sound design. I’m sure the are lots of ways i haven’t thought of yet
Select dual peak filter mode and modulate filter frequency, for a phaser effect.
Cool, but isn’t that the normal LFO instead of the FX LFO?
Are you thinking of the Syntakt? That’s the only Elektron I know of with the dual peak filter. (Maybe the Heat+FX has it too?)
I like to modulate the Delay Time.
Shallow depth and short rates makes the delay sound “watery”. Slower, deeper LFO settings, coupled with a longer unmodified delay time create weird pitch shifting, crunchy artefacts.
i like to use a block wave on reverb mix to make the reverb stutter, and maybe a second LFO to modulate the first LFO speed. Still have to try a lot of stuff. Just recently got my A4
This is a Track using LFOs on the FXs.
on which fx parameters did you use LFO’s here?
I’ve posted the sysex file in the same thread.
Yes, I thought we were talking about the FX track on the Syntakt.
i’m new here. i thought i posted it in the Analog four section. Did i do something wrong here?
thanks, will try!
You posted correctly, but the category display is a bit subtle. Better to put the acronyms of the devices you’re talking about in the title.
No. You can copy an hyperlink from another thread, that’s what I did.
No, you’re good.
LFO or plocking are nice ways to get some movement on the FX.
I like it on the base of the delay filter, especially with some relatively high feedback.
As you get two destinations, you can also have opposite depth for overdrive and feedback.
You can also have very subtle change of the time parameter to get some weird artefacts that you can send to the reverb.
Chorus predelay is also a good place, especially with high feedback: you get some weird metallic tones.
Don’t forget that you can choose the HOLD value for the lfo TRIG parameter: this way the value stays fixed for the length of the trig.
Subtle LFO on Reverb pre-delay is great.
A square lfo with low depth on delay time will give you periodic tape glitches.
Reverb time and delay fb are some of my favorite mod destinations
My favorite for plocking. I really like to be able to have different flavors of FX over time, and somehow like the artifacts ^^
what is plocking?
Short for “parameter locking”, where you lock certain parameter settings on one or more steps (“trigs”). Sometimes the codewords here take a little time to sink in…