Introducing Digitakt II

Nice! I love the comb filter.

While testing I took a single mono hat sample, and made this using the 3 LFOs and the comb filter:

@_Niko - note that I did test this with the new version, and it sounds just as wild (in a good way) :slight_smile:


Already a big FW update :

List of changes from OS 1.00 to 1.01


Added a VELOCITY TO VOL setting in the SETUP menu.

Added the possibility to select which sequencer pages the sequencer should play and loop in GRID RECORDING MODE.

Added the possibility to quickly perform pattern chaining when the patterns are within the same bank.

Added a PERSONALIZE menu to group certain settings.

Added the possibility to disable the auto copying of placed sequencer trigs when adding sequencer pages.

Added an option (U/D KEY MODE) in the PERSONALIZE menu that decides the functionality of the [UP]/[DOWN] keys.

Improved the SETUP menu structure by merging the kit and track parameters in the same view.

Added the INT TO MAIN parameter to the AUDIO ROUTING menu.

Added TO MAIN and TO SEND EFFECTS parameters in the AUDIO ROUTING menu.

The default setting for the PRE/POST FADER parameter in the AUDIO ROUTING menu was changed to POST.

Prepared mutes [TRIG] keys are now red (tracks to be muted) and orange (tracks to be unmuted).

Added the possibility to change characters with the selected parameters DATA ENTRY knob when naming VAL parameters on MIDI tracks.

The current song name is now shown in the SONG menu.

The current pattern name is now shown in the PATTERN menu.

Waveform views are now generated faster when loading a project.

If the destination list is already open, it is now possible to use [UP]/[DOWN] to change the LFO DESTINATION value.

Changed the names of the stereo options for the SRC parameter in the recorder from ā€œL+Rā€ to ā€œL Rā€.

Minor updates to the FILL and COND parameter screen graphic to make communication clearer.

Removed the popup on the releasing the [PTN] key after holding the [PTN] key and having performed a COPY/PASTE/CLEAR operation.

It is now possible to cancel MIDI learn by the same [FUNC] + DATA ENTRY knob press that initiated the MIDI learn functionality.

Added snap values to the CC VAL parameter.

Adjusted the sample browserā€™s functionality when accessing it from the SAMP parameter on the SRC page to better match how samples are loaded when accessed from here.

When in the sample browser, a long press on [NO] now takes you back to the root of the SAMPLES menu.

Bug fixes

PRE and NEI trig conditions could not be utilized in combination with the PROB and FILL conditions.

The SRC machine Werp did not play back samples correctly.

Saving a preset from a specific trig together with its parameter locks did not exit the SAVE PRESET menu automatically.

Presets were incorrectly tagged when saved to preset pool.

It was not possible to sample lock samples from different banks.

When creating/loading a new project the unit could in some circumstances appear unresponsive.

Playback restart erroneously reset parameter changes in PERFORM KIT mode.

It was not possible to select LFO1 destinations on MOD page 2 (LFO 2) on MIDI tracks.

Swing did not work correctly when applied to sequences created using the EUCLIDEAN sequencer mode.

Pattern change did not occur when releasing a [TRIG] key while holding the [PTN] key.

It was not possible to close and leave the AUDIO ROUTING page by pressing a [PARAMETER PAGE] key.

Unused patterns in the factory PRESETS project were using the wrong samples.

Pressing DATA ENTRY knob D when in the QUANTIZE menu could in some cases open the modulation or sample list.

The modulation setup pages for pitch bend, velocity mod, mod wheel, aftertouch, and breath controller were still available and configurable on MIDI tracks even though they have no effect.

Some of the CC and NPRN values were the same for several parameters.

The waveform from a previous recording could, under some circumstances, be shown after recording a new sample.

The UI froze while loading a new kit if the samples from a previously loaded kit were still loading.

The screen graphics for the VFAD parameter were not correct.

The sample recorderā€™s MON parameter values and icon did not represent the function correctly.

The toast menu on the screen could in some circumstances read randomized/reloaded after such action was initiated, even though no parameters were affected by the action.

The test mode did not work properly.

The checkered overlay that indicates the slice selection on the sample waveform on SRC page 2 extended beyond the waveform.

Audio sent out over USB audio as well as audio sampled in the recorder could cause unwanted noise if the signal level was loud enough.

The sample recorder did not work properly while the projectā€™s samples were still loading.

Two shortcuts ([SAMPLING] + [YES] to arm the recorder and [SAMPLING] + [NO] to cancel) were missing for the recorder.

MIDI tracks could not be pasted to an audio track.

The recorderā€™s right VU meter showed an incorrect signal.

External CC control of the BANK and SBNK parameter on MIDI tracks did not work.

Saving a preset from a specific trig together with its parameter locks to the preset pool did not work correctly.

It was not possible to quick mute while in GRID RECORDING mode.

The pre/post fader gain levels for USB audio were not correct.

The default values for the AMP HOLD, DEC, and SUS were not correct.

It was not possible to copy a MIDI preset from one bank to another.

The Preset browser opened when pressing and turning the LEVEL/DATA knob.

The wrong error message was shown when trying to copy a MIDI preset to the pool.

Using up/down arrows to parameter lock the SAMP parameter changed the track value of the unlocked SAMP parameter.


I got mine 650ā‚¬ new in 2019.



Itā€™s amazing to read that these small things are also added and addressed with DT II. And the UI looks amazing too, optimised for quick and clear feedback and fast navigation.

All of this next to the ā€œbiggiesā€ like stereo (finally!), 16 tracks, 30 minutes of stereo samples, kits, fx routing, chorus(!), a usable sidechain compressor, comb filter, euclidean sequencer, loop per page (yes!), 128 steps, MIDI CC NAMING + PRESETS AND SO MUCH MORE!

Congrats @Elektron, you surpassed most expectations and you just created again a nr. 1 selling sampler :sunglasses: (and a very usable music composition / arranger workhorse!)


Just missing a fully wet on FX and slicing. Great upgrades though. Unfortunately I recently re-bought a new DT1ā€¦

The funny thing to me is that the MPC 2000, released in 1997 had 64 tracks and stereo sampling and today weā€™re happy that the 2nd version of the DT was upgraded to 16 tracks and stereo sampling.
Which shows that itā€™s not all about the specs because i would take the DT I over the MPC 2000 anyday. Even though the 2000 is still a great machine for what it is.


Pre-ordered mine today, expected date is 5/30 :sob:



Nord Modular G2 is everything. I just got one (again). What a beast!


Canā€™t you achieve that with an lfo/hold and slices ? An lfo on slots ?

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you can modulate sample bank to scan across an array of samples [8x127]


you can now assign a selection of samples (e.g. 5x snare samples) to a separate ram bank and use that bank as your round robin source to modulate.

you can also modulate banks (rather than the LFO scanning up/down the sample slots, it scans left/right across banks at the same slot position), but iā€™ve yet to find a good use for it.

and you could use sample chains with the velocity modulation and retrigs to do cool stuff not possible on DT1.


Where you a beta tester?

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Oh god I miss @defenestration


Beside more silent slots, what is the diffence with an lfo on slots with a full bank ? Or there is a particular round robin mode ?

I can see one if you have some common structure in banks :
Slot 1 = kick Slot 2 = snare for instance. Modulate banks to modulate snares, Slot 2.

Thereā€™s no RR mode, and this way doesnā€™t really make a difference to the ā€˜all in oneā€™ list - itā€™s just easier for me put stuff I want to modulate into its own bank. iā€™m still using 2x LFOs to RR them :slight_smile:

Iā€™m nowhere close to being that organised


Me neither, but it can be done for a few slots. :content:

A trick for round robin :
Round Robin LFO's and Sample Chaining - what's your workflow? - #8 by sezare56

Tips ?


No time stretch on grid mode? :thinking:

Based on your technique you just linked, but using LFO2 to nudge the Speed of LFO1 from 0 on each trig, so it plays the next sample slot on each press. Not an exact science but until we get RR, itā€™s pretty good.