Introducing Digitakt II

There no lfo destination for sample slot bank … only sample slot
So potentially it’s still 0-127 unless they do high Rez parameter or something else

Or just use a sliced sample to get 128?( maybe 64 … I forget ) slices on each sample x 128 slots in one bank

Or parameter lock the bank parameter if it’s possible
Lots of workarounds …

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SRC:Sample Bank


I didn’t see that in the manual.
It’s late … I’ll check again
I can see midi cc but not lfo destination on page 109
Maybe it’s knob e,f,g

It doesn’t matter , I only tinker with this stuff when mangling nonsense … when I’m making generic trash music it’s usually go on filter sweep ZZZzzzz

Just popped by the Terminal location in Vancouver and had someone look up what was in the system. Seems like 19 (company total) in this first wave (based on what the sales person could see) and 17 are spoken for.

I’d say if you’re thinking of ordering from them, better make it quick or hold out for the next round.

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I had my pre-order in yesterday. I was the third reservation. I was in the store 15 minutes after the release video dropped. :slight_smile:

Nice. I should have clarified the “you’re” was directed towards the greater, undecided “you’re”s of the nation. :sunglasses:


Can’t wait to try that !


I would have been completely fine with the name DigiTwokt to be honest.


Anybody know if this supports Song Position Pointer commands? the original and digitone don’t, it’s a deal breaker for me! just wondering if they added it since the song mode is supported from launch this time, no info in the manual as to whether it sends or receives it though

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For some reason, when I think about the D2: Judgement Day I imagine it as being bigger than the DTone- which i know is inaccurate :grinning:


Is that pronounced “twockt” or “tookt” ?

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What is the maximum of bar with time stretch machine, 4 like on digitakt 1 ?

Did not find it in manual

8 will be great with the sequencer extended to 8 bar

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wait, how could you use velocity or retrig trig modes to affect sample chains differently? are slots a mod destination in the velocity mapping sub-menu?

Surprised no one else has mentioned this lol :wink:

Not sure what he knows exactly, how true this statement is, and if it was, if he would really have the right to say so. Surely he would be under NDA.
So yeah, I would take this with a bit of distance…


Nice Tootsie reference :clap:

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Looking at the manual there doesn’t seem to be any improvements to song mode so I doubt SPF has been implemented. One can hope though. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen this in France too. It’s crazy.
Now as much as I enjoyed DT1, the DT2 feels a bit different. Still has a similar workflow, but with more dimensions somehow.

DT1 seems a bit barebones now ^^
I can understand the fascination for the simplicity though. It’s still a very focused sampler, and will have its aficionados, I’m sure of this.

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What’s the intended way to use those wave tables? With the slicing machine and then modulating through the slices or is there another way?

How would this not be planned for Elektron? It makes so much sense in the end. :joy:

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